Thank you very much for your kind words and advise, I appreciate both very much. Unfortunately as dumb of a mistake as it was i had no renters insurance at the time, but as you said all that matters is my wife and son are okay. As far as your advise goes I actually am going to pick up a couple cobs tonight when i go into town, but thanks for turning me onto the Mr. Brog pipes, that's interesting i will definetly look into that. thank you very much
Thank you very much for your kind words and advise, I appreciate both very much. Unfortunately as dumb of a mistake as it was i had no renters insurance at the time, but as you said all that matters is my wife and son are okay. As far as your advise goes I actually am going to pick up a couple cobs tonight when i go into town, but thanks for turning me onto the Mr. Brog pipes, that's interesting i will definetly look into that. thank you very much