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Aug 9, 2013
I'm new to pipe smoking and long story short I bought 3 medicos, not realizing it's to late, exactly what brylon is, and better yet how hot it gets.

Is there a time and place for brylon pipes? Can I somehow quickly "build" a cake or other way to help it from getting to hot. It would really be a shame to just not use them, seeing how now I know I over payed for each of them.. Help?



Jul 31, 2010
Bethlehem, Pa.
I have a Brylon that I bought a few decades ago. They are horrible pipes. I keep it as a reminder that some ideas are not very good. It is the K-car of pipes.



Dec 14, 2009
Birmingham, AL
Welcome aboard Njrox91.

We're glad to have you aboard.
I'm not being facetious, but the time is now, the place... the circular file.

That is strictly my opinion.

I'm sure there is someone, somewhere, that actually likes brylon... but, they are going to few and far between.



Aug 9, 2013
Yea weezel I'm waiting on my shipment of mm cobs, got a grab bag and a country gentleman, but I just don't want these brylons to just go to waste.. But what u guys are all saying is there's no hope? N they'r garbage?



May 22, 2012
Oh wow, Lawrence told you to throw a pipe in a fire lol! I'm sure glad I read this posting, I'm very sure he would never say something like that lightly. He's always been the kind of guy to see the positive side in everything. I will never buy one of these, sorry to hear you had purchased so many before finding out!



Aug 9, 2013
Yea it is what it is though I guess.. You live you learn.. Thanks everyone for the help. :puffpipe:



Apr 1, 2013
If it was me, I would keep the brylon pipes. You bought and paid for them. Here is what I would do: Pack half bowls in two of them and smoke the first one slowly. When it gets hot, set it aside and smoke the second one. Bounce back and forth and do your best to enjoy them. Some day you will get a better pipe and forget all about them, but until then, try your best to make them work.
Then look to an use the pipe locator to find an inexpensive brier pipe. Pipes and Cigars dot com has plenty of new brier pipes in the below $50 range.
To prove I feel your pain, I still have a nasty ass #52 Amigo pearwood Mr. Brog pipe that is 10 times worse than any pipe I have ever smoked that I still fill and try to enjoy...some day I tell myself, some day...



Apr 26, 2013
I've never had any Brylon pipes and I have also never seen a pipe so thoroughly dismissed by the guys here. Good luck and you will enjoy the Cobs!
Happy Smoking!



Oct 6, 2009
Brylon pipes do have their good points. They make great head knockers. You can drive nails with them.They can be lit with a blow torch and not suffer rim burn. If you're into rock tumbling,you can throw them into the tumbler to shine them up.

I've heard guys say they can get a good smoke from a Brylon,as long as you don't touch the bowl.



Feb 21, 2013
njrox91, welcome to Forums. I think you came to the right place for pipe smoking, and for your question.

The bad news is, I think the Brylons are a loss. The good news is, you can get a rotation of three or four

Missouri Meerschaum (MM) corn cob pipes that will be excellent smoking pipes and last for years for very

little. I have found them at discount, full size pipes for $3.99. You won't do this well online, but I think you

can find them for $7.50 to $10. Don't buy any other brand of corn cob pipe. These are the only dependably

good ones. The other good news is, you can buy a good briar pipe for less than $50. There are a long list

of these, different brands and shapes. But you can't go wrong with an unfinished Savenelli. Cup O Joes

site has a good selection of these for between $44 and $50. But start with the cobs, get started with

pipe smoking and learning about tobacco. Count your purchase of the Brylon pipes as your tuition in

your education on pipes. The MM's come in both filtered and unfiltered versions. If possible, get one or two

of each. Be sure to get regular size MM's. They make mini-pipes, and their Mizzou pipe is very small. You

want a standard size pipe for starters; cobs are not big bowled. And don't start with a tall one as shown

being smoked by Gen. MacArthur in wyfbane's post. Throw those Brylons somewhere you won't have to look

at them, and start enjoying pipe smoking.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 24, 2012
njrox91- I say give them a try. Just know that there is a possibility your experience will not be a good one but don't base your opinions of pipe smoking just on those pipes, or any one pipe for that matter. Who knows you might like them. Part of the fun of this hobby in my opinion is trying new tobaccos, pipes, and gaining experience good and bad. Welcome and good luck!



Mar 19, 2013
I'm with Wyf. The feedback is overwhelming on the brylon - I hate to see money wasted, but these guys know what they're talking about. Chalk it up to experience and let them go.



Part of the Furniture Now
May 5, 2012
Njrox91, welcome to the forum.
I bought a brylon pipe for curiosity and novelty many years ago. I didn't expect it to be any good and it proved my assumption correct.
I smoked it probably twice to satisfy my curiosity and threw it in a drawer.
There is one place where they will do very well; in the mouth of a snowman!
Missouri Meerschaums are a great way to get a quick starter rotation of pipes quickly. As others have said, don't buy any other brand of corncob.

You can buy them individually or contact Missouri Meerschaum and get a grab bag of 10 pipes for $30.
Ask the forum members for recommendations for briars to build your rotation in whatever price range you are interested in. Dr. Grabows are recommended in the low price range and moving up from there, Savinelli and Stanwell make great smoking pipes.
Tobacco is another story. There are English blends, Virginia and Vapers, which are Virginia and Perique and Burley blends, as well as aromatic blends. Good drug store blends are Carter Hall, Sir Walter Raleigh and Prince Albert. For me, one of the most enjoyable aspects of pipe smoking is the great variety of tobaccos.
Again, welcome to the forum and ask questions. You'll get plenty of good advice here.
Happy smoking!

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