I've realized that many of my pipes are beginning to get used a little less than I would prefer, some of them strong favorites of mine. So I decided I needed a better system for rotating my pipes. I decided I'd choose a few to keep at my table and switch out on a weekly basis. I'm currently looking for a small tabletop rack that will hold anywhere from four to seven pipes, for a good price. But until then I decided to bring this one out of retirement again. This was my first pipe rack, made from a pipe box from Pipesandcigars I think. It's not pretty, but it's done the job before, and it's doing the job again. This should help me revisit all of my pipes a little more often. After the weeks over I'll simply return them to the other racks and replace with others. So far it was a good idea. I'm currently smoking that big Nording Signature in the photo for the first time in a long time, and I do love that pipe.