Make some fake labels and tell them they are tins of chocolate covered nuts. If they catch you act angered and surprised and say you bought them from a street vendor.
This is needlessly primitive as we have much better technology these days (i.e. the trebuchet).
Guys are a half the way up the ol' prison pocket with 8oz GL Pease tins and your saying this now.Or just put it under the spare tire.
And now every time you cross the boarder they're going to take your car apart. Mostly because you gave them an excuse to cure their boredom. They probably do google search for terms like inner fender wells, under the dash....I'd take the back seat out and pack as much bulk and tins as I could and put the seat back in. Last I recall the dogs aren't trained to alert on tobacco. Pack the inner fender wells, under the dash, in the doors, you name it.
honestly most guys just want to do their job and go home with as little hassle as possible. And a few tins not mentioned one can plead ignorance and not make it worse.Unless I was bringing in large amounts, I'd pack it in my suitcase and keep quiet. I certainly wouldn't attempt to conceal it in a wheel well or something similar as if you were caught, it shows criminal intent.
Hell yeah, that's what I'm talkin about.Just junk up your car with lots of empty fastfood bags, soda bottles. empty kleenexes with used kleenexs all over the floorboards, empty sardine tins. Make sure each bag has ketchup, old onion rings, and all sorts of smelly stuff. I bet those cars don't get searched as closely.
I don't believe you'll ever find a CBSA agent that will let you pass through without paying the tax on tobacco.Just curious: going to be maybe going into the US in February and might possibly bring a few tins back to Canada with me. I'm wondering - is the provincial tax calculated on the land border you use - ie. Ontario or Quebec, or is it based upon your province of residence? (That is IF I pay duty to begin with).