Sutliff Virginia Crumble cake is excellent. Many smokers prefer bright virginias and many love red virginias. I fall squarely in the Red Virginia group. You also might want to look at the following massachusetts Tobacconists: Watch City has a number of blends which feature Red Virginia (although some have limited availability); Wilke (since, for some reason, they will not ship to Massachusetts I have not tried any of their Blends. However, I really long to try their Lizzie's Blood Red Virginia (named after Fall River's famous acquitted ax murderer) and I believe that there are others which have no topping but which, nonetheless do not ship within the Commonwealth and L.J. Peretti among the most famous and oldest tobacconists in America. Feel free to call any of them for advice but remember the phrase "Boston Nice". Finally, here a few other Virginia blends to look out for: Samuel Gawith Full Virginia Flake (difficult to find and fairly expensive), Wessex Brigade Fragrant Virginia lightly flavored with English cider; Amphora Virginia (not specifically red but inexpensive, sweet and gentle...smokes far above its price). Finally, you might try Sutliff 515RC (available in bulk it has both lovers and lots of detractors as it has a distinct vinegar note or, to others, cat urine).
If you'd like, PM your address (in the contiguous US) and I will send along a fresh tin of 2019 Sutliff Cringle Flake. If you do not like it you might want to consider another type of blend....
If you'd like, PM your address (in the contiguous US) and I will send along a fresh tin of 2019 Sutliff Cringle Flake. If you do not like it you might want to consider another type of blend....