Brigham filter substitute?

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Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 29, 2023
I just ordered a Brigham to test the rock maple filters, being that they are flow-through. Also, others here say they smoke well anyway without the filter if I don't like using it. I have two questions though for you fine folks:

What if you just keep rinsing/cleaning the rock maple filter and reusing it long after is becomes saturated? Will it stop absorbing and become essentially like a spacer, or will it turn rancid as I suspect?

Also, something on Brigham's website really grabbed my attention. According to their claims, the reduction of direct contact with the stem provides "reduction of adverse taste" and a "more natural taste". If this is actually true, a briar spacer in place of the filter would provide a superior smoke flavor to most all other pipes with acrylic or vulcanite stems. Either Brigham is incorrect, or everyone who smokes them without the filter should to start using briar spacers for better taste. Has anyone tried it?
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Jan 25, 2019
Philadelphia Suburbs, Pennsylvania
I have more Brighams in my pipe collection than any other brand; and, I do not use the distillators at all.

A few years back I wrote up a whole long post on how to get the most mileage out of them.

In short:

1. Rinse them really well under water.

2. Wrap each one tightly in a paper towel and some rubber bands,

3. Keep wrapped until fully dry.

Basically, the paper towel will suck out a good amount of the nastiness out of, and off of the wooden distillator. You will be amazed at how much this cleans your distillators and the amount of nasty left behind in the paper towel.

You will need to keep and maintain a rotation supply of the following:

1. Wet and wrapped up while drying - you are looking at about 2 or 3 days here;

2. Dried and ready-to-go for another round;

3. Fresh and unused.

I did this system for quite some time, until I finally just stop using them altogether. I also do not filter ANY of my other pipes.

As far as the 'Sales Copy' from Brigham regarding the unique contributions their distillors MAY provide that a regular filter MAY not... Remember, you are reading Sales Copy which is designed to sell.

Hope this helps.

- Sherm Natman


Jul 6, 2019
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
My experience matches @shermnatman, the pipes smoke fine with the filters and without them. If you want your filters to last longer follow Sherm Natman’s advice on cleaning and drying. My palate is not discerning enough that it would distinguish the difference between the rock maple and a briar adapter. The rock maple was selected for its neutral affect on the flavour.
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Feb 21, 2013
My reluctance on the rock maple filters is not wanting to have another accessory to buy, store, and clean. If I had a Brigham, I'm sure I would smoke it filterless. It was my pipe of choice when I wanted a Canadian-made pipe and I was interested in building an international rack, but now that it is made in Europe, that attraction is gone.

Today I'd buy a Blatter & Blatter pipe if I wanted a Canadian made briar. I liked Trypis pipes when they were offered regularly for sale by a member here, but I never took the leap. His rustication was unique, but extra rustic. SP had them as estates, unsmoked, some years later, but I never clicked on the order. I think he had a special touch with the acorn shape. I believe his pipes were all non-filter.


Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 29, 2023
The pipe arrived (and 84 bent volcano) and after some time with it I notice very little improvement with the filter, and no difference in taste without. One huge difference/advantage though is the similarity to Peterson's dry system in the orientation of the drilling.

This thing wont gurgle! One bowl I packed a little too tight with MM's Country Gentleman vaper, and although bottom of the bowl was pretty much soaked at the end, there was no gurgle throughout the smoke. Very surprising.

I did have to sand down the outer edge of the tenon extension because it was mushroomed out from the installed filter and was making the draw a little too tight. The red dots are where the flare was restricting flow. My apologies for the very rough MSpaint draft.


I also read several posts here stating that it is impossible to get a pipe cleaner through. Not true at all with the stem removed. I just bent the tip of a cleaner upward, and once it hits the hole it pops up into it, and all the way to the chamber with no problem.

I'm very much enjoying this pipe and thank you all for the help and suggestions!