Brief Kansas City Pipe Show Report

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Dec 6, 2012
Robinson, TX.
Howdy Gang,
I just got back from another outstanding Greater Kansas City Pipe Show held at the Argosy Hotel & Casino. Great show starting with the Smoking Tent fellowship Friday night right through to the end of the show on Sunday with Chance Whittamore (of Great Estate Pipes fame) winning the North American Carvers 7-Day pipe set.
I had a great time visiting with everyone, including the members here who dropped by my table. I ran out of stock fast, selling 18 of the 22 pipes I brought to sell before lunchtime on Saturday. That gave me plenty of time to check out all the wood at all of the display tables (the exhibitor tables were sold out well in advance of the show).
Some quick highlights for me -
My collecting motif is American handmade natural or light tan blasts. I was quick to dispense with my cash on Saturday morning as the show wasn't an hour old before I made my first purchase - a Jesse Jones made Chheda in a thick bent apple shape with Cumberland stem. Somehow, I just knew it would be a great smoker and after having run a half dozen bowls through it, I know its a champ. Perfect drilling and the bowl never did get past the barely warm mode. Jessa can make a pipe!
Another forum member, Dave Peterson, did indeed have out his Castello display and every time I looked over at his table, people were there gawking, especially at his Epoca collection. When I finally saw an opening late in the day on Saturday, I went over to his table and was bedazzled. What a fantastic collection! Dave even had a hand out explaining the collection and each pipe. Truly one of the finest displays I have ever seen at a pipe show. It was right up there with Brian Levine's Disney Pipe Display at the KC Show about 10-years ago. I still remember that one and wish Brian would do that one again, although I can't imagine the kind of hours Brian and Dave must take to put together such outstanding displays.
The Saturday night dinner featured Rick Newcombe, who showed the same outstanding documentary on pipe smoking in the movies that he showed at Chicago. I could have watched it ten times over and never gotten bored. The only issue I had regarding the presentation was the fact that we couldn't smoke in the banquet room and that's exactly what everyone wanted to do about 10 minutes into the movie. Seeing some of those great actors of days gone bye truly enjoying smoking their pipes while acting was a sight to behold and made everyone in the room want to light up a pipe - even the few nonsmokers in attendance! And what was really special for me; the fact that Rick had invited me to have lunch with him earlier in the day and I don't think I even ate as I was mesmerized by him telling me the story of how his pipe smoking movie presentation evolved in his mind and then was put finally put together with the help of his brother who is a Hollywood film maker. No wonder the thing was done so professionally.
Another fellow forum member, Dan Coomer, is the Secretary/Treasurer of the KC Pipe Club, and he handles all of the details from A to Z with aplomb. Dan worked the entire time making sure everyone was properly taken care of. He even had scheduled pick-ups for every vendor who needed a ride to and from the airport. You sure don't get that kind of service anywhere else.
In closing this rather general report, I would highly recommend the KC Pipe Show as a "MUST" destination for any of you who might be interested in attending next year.
Regards to all,



Jul 23, 2014
The Lower Forty of Hill Country
Mr. Fallon:
Thank-you for an interesting and informative report. I would have loved to have attended this show, but, alas, it was not to be. Perhaps next year?
Regarding Mr. Newcombe's film, what a shame that they could not have screened it in the Smoking Tent so that the attendees could have enjoyed their pipes while they watched the actors enjoying theirs.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 6, 2010
Dave's display was a Castello lover's dream, not even Iwan Ries could match it.
Pat Morgan (a great lady) said that Old Log Cabin Pipe Works is nearly ready to start selling Forever Stems, shouldn't be long.
I had the chance to talk for quite a while with Mark Ryan, the man who pretty much single-handedly saved Perique from extinction. Mark has invested a lot of money and a huge amount of effort in his crusade. When he took over the L.A. Poche Perique Tobacco company, they had 16 presses that were on their last legs. They now have over 400 new presses. Mark is very active in monitoring the government efforts to regulate and tax the tobacco industry and had some interesting stories on that front. The good news is that, in typical Washington style, the feds manage to trip over their own feet a lot so things move very slowly. The bad news is that there are no signs that they're giving up the fight against tobacco. I picked up a couple of his 1881 Perique cigars but haven't had a chance to fire one up yet.
I definitely second Steve's recommendation, the GKCPC puts on a first class event.



Staff member
May 11, 2011
Covington, Louisiana
I've never heard anything but high praise for the KC show. Thanks for sharing.

In the few shows that I've attended, I've only seen one display table (forum member Robin's Tinsky Christmas Pipe Collection at Richmond) I'd love to have seen Dave's Castello display.



Dec 6, 2012
Robinson, TX.
Hey guys, in my report I forgot to mention that I finished 2nd in the KC Show's Annual Pipe Smoking Contest... 2nd to last! :(

When told that the guy who was "first man out" in last year's contest, died, I was smoking' like a freight train not wanting to be first out in case a trend was starting. I never went through a bowl of tobacco so fast in my life!



Apr 5, 2014
I wonder if Rick Newcombe has made his documentary available for sale? I'm sure it would sell if it's as good as it sounds.



Charter Member
May 5, 2009
Solid Report Steve! Thanks
You guys humble me with your kind assessments of my collection. I got many compliments over the weekend and even an award from the club. Best yet I made three connections for additions to the collection, one that I pulled the trigger on today, I am really excited about this one!
I wish I could post my pictures but they didn't turn out very good but I'm sure Mrs KCGhost's photo's will be published soon.
I always enjoy pipe shows but far more important my wife had a very good time! She was somehow gifted a manicure/pedicure courtesy of the club?? She also enjoyed sitting around knitting with some of the other wives, shopping at the CC Plaza and "pigging" out on two BBQ dinners (and lines) at Arthur Bryant's and Joe's KC. I'm even sauced out!
The Hotel complex was very nice with friendly employee's. I never had to wait more than 30 second for an elevator and I miss the fresh rooms/halls, comfy bed, huge walk in rain shower and tight blackout curtains. The smoking area was fairly cool, leafy and protected from the breeze. It got pretty warm on Sat but the tent area was shaded and as comfortable as the good looking cap the club gifted the table holders!

I have my son's wedding at this time next year but I will return to the GKCPC Show again in the future.
Hopfully my next show will be Vegas in early Nov. I hope to see many of you there! 8O



Staff member
May 11, 2011
Covington, Louisiana
Dave, we sure would love to see your display at New Orleans in October....
I have some questions about displays in general. How many pipes are in your display? How do you transport them? Does the show provide a display case or table?

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