This may be the best known essay in all of Pipendom and it attempts to refute the myth of Brand importance as opposed to the importance of the raw material. At the time of writing, belief in Brand importance was much more widespread among pipe smokers than it is currently. There are pockets in the back eddies of the pipe smoking population where such now discredited ideas as the importance of brand are still held, but by and large, more education about what goes into the pipe making process has helped dispel such notions.
I think that the equation of Briar vs Brand has changed to something different. We know that brand alone is not a guarantee. We know that price alone is not a guarantee. A good pipe is where you find it, and that is not restricted by brand or price. Pipes made by the same maker vary in smoking properties. We recently had an article by Greg Pease, wherein he recounts that two pipes, made by the same carver, in the same shape, from the same block, at the same time, smoked differently for him. So pipes are something of a craps shoot when it comes to absolute standards of result.
Fact is, it isn't just about Brand any more than it's just about Briar. Briar is going to be different, block to block, maybe not much, but some, and how that wood is processed is going to have more to do with the result than anything else.
Maybe it's Briar vs Processing. Oil cure vs heat cure vs air cure, vs etc, etc. All methods produce variable results. The variation is small, but to some smokers, significant. To others, not really noticeable. And pipe makers, as attuned to their material as they are, can't predict with 100% surety what the result will be.
Most of us find that pipes all seem to smoke equally well, all things considered, and occasionally one just seems to provide a little more enjoyment, the flavors seem livelier. That's the so called "magic" pipe that seems to smoke everything you load into it, and it's not specific to brand, or price point. A "magic" pipe is where you find it.
And here's another thought. Maybe that magic has nothing to do with the briar at all. Maybe it's the stem, button, slot, the rubber meets the road part of the delivery system. Maybe it's Stummel vs Stem.
Whatever the variables are, there will always be an element of chance in choosing a pipe, regardless of Brand.