I have grown to really love this blend. It is a kake, more in the Night Train mould than the Anniversary Kake mould (i.e. the kake is very hard). Someone gave me an aged sample with about 18 months on it and it was sublime. Since then, I have bought some fresh stuff and it wasn't as good, so I have around 4 lbs in the cellar waiting to get as good as that first sample I tried.
What is odd about this blend is that it has a very pronounced nutty flavour, which I quite love. It has been suggested on some reviews that this must be due to some form of topping, since the tin mentions only Virginia tobacco and a nutty taste isn't normally something one associates with VAs. Intrigued, I actually sent Chris Tarler an e-mail asking him whether there was any topping on Briar Fox. For those interested, his very gracious response is below.
What is odd about this blend is that it has a very pronounced nutty flavour, which I quite love. It has been suggested on some reviews that this must be due to some form of topping, since the tin mentions only Virginia tobacco and a nutty taste isn't normally something one associates with VAs. Intrigued, I actually sent Chris Tarler an e-mail asking him whether there was any topping on Briar Fox. For those interested, his very gracious response is below.
Glad you are a fan of Briar Fox! There is no topping on that one. It is all natural tobaccos that are pressed. When the pressing occurs it creates a nutty flavor because there is a little burley in it.
Chris Tarler
Cornell and Diehl