Today was the first time I ever tried breath smoking-- PS Luxury Navy Flake in a Morgan Bones sitter I picked up from a forum member a few weeks back. It took a couple of tries to get it right; I was afraid of blowing ash out all over myself, and I was too delicate at first, so it went out a few times.
After a few relights, I got the hang of it, and all I can say is WOW. Smoked the whole rest of the bowl with no relights all the way down to the bottom, with great flavor and a very cool pipe the whole time. Consider me a convert.
P.S. Thanks to Chasing Embers for advocating breath smoking on here.
After a few relights, I got the hang of it, and all I can say is WOW. Smoked the whole rest of the bowl with no relights all the way down to the bottom, with great flavor and a very cool pipe the whole time. Consider me a convert.
P.S. Thanks to Chasing Embers for advocating breath smoking on here.