I've been fairly lucky in that my breakups, though difficult in the way breakups often are, were never funny or spiteful. Of the three major relationships I have had, I am friends with two of my exes. I'm currently with someone now, but we are just friends who are also intimate with one another. I was hesitant to pursue something like that at first. I always approached relationships in a very rigid fashion. But I got to say, thus far at least, I am really enjoying the freedom and respect that this current tryst has at its core; the friendship and autonomy matter more than social obligations. It could bite me in the ass someday, but for now I am quite happy with it. The fact neither of us wants kids, cohabitation, etc., is also nice. We share similar values and goals. We genuinely like spending time with one another, but don't feel obliged to do so, if that makes sense.
I guess what I am driving at is that a lot of us just come into relationships with a lot of unquestioned and unreasonable assumptions. Take this as an opportunity to really get to be comfortable with yourself, to better yourself, and truly learn what you are really wanting not just from others, but from yourself. I can't guarantee it will make you happy or anything like that, but there is a clarity that can come from understanding one should not live for others no more so than they expect others to live for them.