Bowl Width for Virgina Flake

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Mar 23, 2016
I am a new smoker and have really found a love for Newminster Superior Navy Flake 400. I currently smoke a country gentleman corn cobb pipe that has a .75 width. This seems like a good size and is working nice but I would like to buy a briar soon. While I understand that a billiard and Dublin shapes are good, I really am at a loss to the widths of the bowls. It seems that most people say a smaller size is better. Most of the pipes I like have a .8" bowl width. Is .8" appropriate for Flake? If .8" is acceptable, this opens up lots of options. As a secondary question, do Canadian shape pipes smoke cooler?
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May 28, 2015
I just had to go measure my 3 flake pipes. I'll be a son of a bitch if all three weren't within a hair of 3/4.
Of course if you had ever met my mother......



Part of the Furniture Now
Aug 25, 2014
My favorite Virginia pipes are .80 at the top, but they are tapered bowls. I usually get an hour in before my first re-light.



May 28, 2015
Also, I just measure my Latakia bowls, 13/16 to almost 7/8ths except for a small shallow Bjarne Neilsen. And My Va ribbon and VaPer bowls are all over the place.



Mar 23, 2016
Thank you for the fast response everyone! I will stick to the .75. Now I am on the hunt for my first briar flake pipe!



Part of the Furniture Now
Nov 27, 2014
Canadians smoke a negligible amount cooler than other shapes IMHO.



Oct 14, 2014
As a new guy I spent a considerable amount of time researching this very issue. My post history will show a few shallow threads asking the same question as the op. I'll save you a diatribe about dogma and simply say that in the end I found concrete evidence supporting the superiority of one design over another insufficient. As a result, I decided to buy pipes in a 1mm intervals from 16mm to 24mm in width.
Smoking Best Brown Flake as a baseline (hard work, but someone has to do it) I found that generally bowls 19mm and below tend to highlight the higher notes while those 20mm and wider highlight the lower notes. What does that really mean? A narrow pipe will make the grassy, citric notes more prominent while a wider bowl dulls those flavors while sharpening the milk chocolate, malty, bready flavors.
I've conducted the same tasting series with FVF, Union Square, Golden Cake, St James Flake, Triple Play and Hal o' the Wynd and have found the results to be consistent. If you think that means the issue is sorted, well, actually, this is where things go haywire. I quickly found that some of my old standby's had new surprises when smoked in pipes well outside of the standard 19mm VA pipe. HotW, a blend that I considered a dull confectionary dripping in caramel when smoked in a standard pipe became transcendent when smoked in a 22mm bowl. Union Square particularly seems like it was designed to be smoked in a wider bowl, which may in fact be the case.
So, what's a guy with a normal budget and a taste for VA flakes to do? Buy a pipe that smokes well and never mind the bullocks. Really, you'll learn to appreciate whatever you're smoking with whatever pipe you have on hand. Varying the width just tweaks the flavor profile. FVF won't become Capstan. These aren't massive changes and frankly, if you aren't paying attention you may not even notice. Maybe.
I know Jiminks likes to smoke FVF in a Sav 320. These generally come in around 21-24mm. I know I'm not the only guy around that goes well beyond 19mm with a classic VA.
A bit about depth. My preferred method of packing the pipe is with the airpocket (aka cannonball) method which leaves an airgap below the tobacco. As a result, the depth has minimal impact in the flavor of what I smoke. I know some folks suggest flavors become richer as the tobacco "stoves" in a deep, narrow bowl. I don't share that opinion and prefer the clarity of flavor provided by an airpocket.
When looking for a new pipe now I generally look to something 18-22mm wide and about 30mm deep. My first consideration these days is weight as I know diameter is nothing to worry about.
Edit: Imo the difference in smoke temperature between a nose warmer and a long canadian is imperceptible in briar pipes. The only time I've experienced variance in smoke temps is when smoking a block meer pipe, which imo smokes perceptible cooler that any other material regardless of length.



Nov 18, 2013
If you fold/stuff it's easier to keep an even light in a narrower bowl. With a wider bowl getting the edges lit sometimes overcooks the center. If you rub it out then it really doesn't matter. As to bowl volume, it all depends on how long you want the smoke to last. And folded/stuffed flakes burn a lot slower than rubbed-out.
My favorite pipes for Dunhill VA Flake are my Bings. Spare me the physics lesson, those long-stemmed pipes smoke decidedly cooler than shorter ones.



Oct 14, 2014
Smoking a flake rubbed out or cubed is not smoking a flake. Which the original question presupposes.

Flakes are one outcome of pressing tobacco. Fermentation is another. You can change the form however you like after the fact and the qualities remain intact to an extent.



Oct 14, 2014
Well, do keep in mind we are smoking that sirloin rather than eating it and in that respect, ground and whole are similar..ok this metaphor is getting stretched to the breaking point. I smoke whole flakes when they're dry enough to accommodate and break them to large bits when they're not. I don't find a huge difference most of the time. FVF is one of the few that I bother to keep whole. How 'bout you?



Oct 16, 2009
Personally, I prefer narrow chambers for Virginia flakes. My dedicated Virginia/Virginia flake pipes have a chamber width of 5/8" or smaller.



You can smoke flake in any pipe (kind of), but I prefer a chamber that's between 1.5-2 inches tall and 18-19 millimeters wide.



Oct 17, 2013
For me the deciding factor is the prep method. For fold and stuff I like a small narrow bowl.... 3/4 approximately. For rubbed out flakes I like a large open pot 1" to 1 1/4" in diameter.



Feb 13, 2013
I respectfully disagree that smoking a flake cubed is not smoking flake. Assuming the cube cut is not overly fine, the individual pieces are still of compressed tobacco that, when packed properly, will always be denser and will burn cooler and longer than rubbed out flake could be in the same bowl. I don't see how there is much practical difference between firmly packed cube cut flake and properly folded and stuffed flake. Except perhaps the time and effort spent cube cutting it



Feb 13, 2013
Oooooo K. I guess I just got learned with a quickness, but can we please stop comparing good flake tobacco to sirloin, the Dodge Stratus of steaks?



Mar 25, 2016
3/4" is RIGHT on the money. At .8" and above it's increasingly hard to keep lit evenly through the first half without over-puffing .
3/4" is the sweet spot for flakes.
This answer is RIGHT on the money. :puffy:
(This goes for Va/pers, too.)

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