Since I mostly smoke Virginias and VaPers, the closer to the bottom, the more delicious the smoke is. I don't find this so when I smoke burleys or Latakia blends. But, ash in the mouth is just about the only way IO know that I am finished, fine white ash at that. :wink:
But, I smoke slow as molasses and I don't make much smoke at all as I work, with my pipe clenched. I hate to fidget with my pipe, so I just tamp a couple of times as I smoke, sometimes after the initial light, I don't tamp at all. But, ashes are no more disgusting to me that the smoke. Just take a sip of coffee and repack the pipe to do it all over again. Pipes are good, life is good.
But, I smoke slow as molasses and I don't make much smoke at all as I work, with my pipe clenched. I hate to fidget with my pipe, so I just tamp a couple of times as I smoke, sometimes after the initial light, I don't tamp at all. But, ashes are no more disgusting to me that the smoke. Just take a sip of coffee and repack the pipe to do it all over again. Pipes are good, life is good.