It's an expensive hobby but the pleasures are hard to overstate and difficult to explain to the unititiated. It will be nice to share thoughts with others who get it.
Currently enjoying a bowl of Gawith Hoggarth Coffee and Caramel in a little Rattrays briar.
If you live in the UK, Canada or the Antipodes, yes- or rather maybe, depending on viewpoint and pocket book. In the USA, it's pretty darn cheap.
Please put your location in your Profile, as people are forgetful.
Why: It will save time for others as to where you live when you mention local stores, weather, tobacco prices, availability, regulations, location of photos, wildfires, air quality, etc.
In many instances that saves time for those who read your posts, and for you in not having to reply to inquiries. .
Under your avatar, (top right, left most of three symbols) you choose "
Account Details", which brings up "My Account". "
My Location" is halfway down. Whatever you're comfortable with- town, city, county, state. province, etc.