Smoke our tobacco and pretty women will materialize in your bed! Brilliant! *checks bank account* How much Mac Baren's can I buy with one paycheck? :twisted:
The first promotional vid was very nice -- I love tragic romances -- even ones without words that are really commercials heh heh. It was very classy and done with a goodly amount of talent.
That condor commercial is just funny, made me smile heh heh.
Thanks for sharing guys.
"cool video, but she needs to get out in the sun and darken up ..a little too pale. "
Maybe its because she is the mans dead wife.....He is a widower and is stuck in a hotel room while the lawyers sort out the estate.(And left him with nothing due to the second morgage on the McMansion in Connecticut... ...Smoking the pipe brings back memories of his wife...Notice that the two never make contact...Notice the she is also in her 40s as well...Tragic Romance indeed...
From what I understand, Mac Baren does not sell the pouches in the U.S. which is a big mistake. People such as myself would gladly give them a try rather than have to buy online or drive an hour (me) to the nearest B&M. I am stuck with just the regular CVS brands which, although, aren't too bad but the choices are limited. :|