Not a typical post title on this forum eh?
Here's the deal. y'all will likely laugh me out of town. But I have recently found that some of my best smokes come when I take a blow dryer to the tobacco to speed drying.
It doesn't seem to be just due to the drying. When I leave a blend to dry on it's own things are fine but not as good as when I accelerate things a bit with the blow dryer.
I'm thinking the heat has something to do with it. I did it one day when in a hurry to smoke some Bob's Chocloate Flake that was too wet for my tastes, I rubbed it out in a tupperware type bowl and then hit it with my wife's the blow dryer for maybe 60 seconds or a little more. If you hold the dryer a foot or so away it doesn't blow it all over and it stays in the bowl.
It's pretty cool the full aroma of the tobacco rises as it heats up and it gets nicely dried but oily and pliable.
Anyway, I now found a travel blow dryer in her cabinet and appropriated it for my use. I've been blow drying just about every flake I smoke and it really works slick. Better than just regular air drying. Plus it doesn't' take nearly as long.
Makes me think someone should make a drying chamber thingy for preparing pipe tobacco. Covered container with a warm air blower of some kind. Stick the tobacco in. Snap on the lid hit a switch and there you go.
I'm gonna invent this and get rich. OK I'm not really. But someone less lazy should. I'll buy one.
Here's the deal. y'all will likely laugh me out of town. But I have recently found that some of my best smokes come when I take a blow dryer to the tobacco to speed drying.
It doesn't seem to be just due to the drying. When I leave a blend to dry on it's own things are fine but not as good as when I accelerate things a bit with the blow dryer.
I'm thinking the heat has something to do with it. I did it one day when in a hurry to smoke some Bob's Chocloate Flake that was too wet for my tastes, I rubbed it out in a tupperware type bowl and then hit it with my wife's the blow dryer for maybe 60 seconds or a little more. If you hold the dryer a foot or so away it doesn't blow it all over and it stays in the bowl.
It's pretty cool the full aroma of the tobacco rises as it heats up and it gets nicely dried but oily and pliable.
Anyway, I now found a travel blow dryer in her cabinet and appropriated it for my use. I've been blow drying just about every flake I smoke and it really works slick. Better than just regular air drying. Plus it doesn't' take nearly as long.
Makes me think someone should make a drying chamber thingy for preparing pipe tobacco. Covered container with a warm air blower of some kind. Stick the tobacco in. Snap on the lid hit a switch and there you go.
I'm gonna invent this and get rich. OK I'm not really. But someone less lazy should. I'll buy one.