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Ahi Ka

Feb 25, 2020
Aotearoa (New Zealand)
It comes in these dense bricks, and I just get a sharp knife and slice it and chop all up. This is most similar to the granulated method, as you are cutting up the stems and all. Some people will seperate all of the leaves from the brick and destem before processing


then rub it out and spread 1/2lb over 3 or 4 oven trays (or just sheets of baking paper) and let it dry out completely - took about a week and I would sort of move it around every day or so. I then jar it in 2oz or so quantities

it is vital to get it dried out thoroughly for storage otherwise it can continue to ferment once exposed to air. Alternatively you can store it in the fridge wet. I prefer to purchase in 1/2lb bags as I can leave the sealed bags at room temp until I need more.

If I am using it for a blend that is not going to be pressed I will cut some of the bigger chunks up so it is more uniform in the smoke.



Feb 17, 2020
Ruse, Bulgaria
Thanks you for the thorough response. I’m gonna grab a 1/2 lb, and that should last me a very long time. Is there any other leaf from the site that you recommend?

Ahi Ka

Feb 25, 2020
Aotearoa (New Zealand)
I’m very impressed with their dark fired Tennessee - prefer it to ODF actually (dont shoot).

Their red Virginia is good too. I have a mate who blends the WLT red va and perique 50:50 for his favourite daily smoke.

While I haven’t tried any yet, they have a wide range of orientals which all come with good recommendations - these don’t need to be destemmed, just shove as much in a jar as possible.

I grabbed Latakia from and it is outstanding!

Ahi Ka

Feb 25, 2020
Aotearoa (New Zealand)
I never got to try any of the different commercial blending perique before importing was banned to NZ so I don’t know sorry - I would assume the sutliff ribbon cut would be done by a machine so might be more like granulated. Could be wrong though.

My understanding is that WLT source their leaf from the same suppliers as C&D (and GLP).

Oh another WLT variety I like is their double bright VA. It is almost like white chocolate in its sweetness
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Apr 28, 2019
Last question. Can you tell any difference between the perique and Sutliff’s blending perique?
You can certainly tell a difference. The WLT perique is considerably stronger/better than Sutliff's version. While it's a hassle buying whole leaf barrel perique, it's got the intense flavor that neither Sutliff or C&D's blending perique have. At least that's been my experience trying all three over the last couple months.


Apr 28, 2019
My gold standard has been McClelland blending perique, which was super intense and flavorful. The WLT perique is the best replacement I've found and is quite good. Pipes and Cigars also sells blending perique I've been meaning to try. If it's the same perique they use in Match Elizabethan it should be excellent.


Feb 17, 2020
Ruse, Bulgaria
My gold standard has been McClelland blending perique, which was super intense and flavorful. The WLT perique is the best replacement I've found and is quite good. Pipes and Cigars also sells blending perique I've been meaning to try. If it's the same perique they use in Match Elizabethan it should be excellent.
I would think that the bulk Sutliff perique is the same stuff in the Elizabethan Match since it is also a Sutliff product.


Apr 28, 2019
I would think that the bulk Sutliff perique is the same stuff in the Elizabethan Match since it is also a Sutliff product.

Whatever's in Elizabethan match tastes great, It tastes like St James. On the other hand the bulk Sutliff blending perique was the worst of the four brands I've tried. The flavor just wasn't there. In any case, you don't need to take my word for it. Just buy a few types and start comparing. You'll quickly find out what you like best.