Blenders are like chefs. Their personal touch can work magic. Their mere name isn't a guarantee of any personal touch. All blenders can't personally fulfill the recipes they have created, but when they hover -- over the sourcing of leaf, the storage, the handling, the proportions and processing -- the results will be best. Restaurants who have a master chef on staff charge accordingly. Chain restaurants have a chef in a faraway city who prepares a spiral notebook which relatively untrained employees, part timers, students, and folks working interim jobs, may or may not refer to when cooking the food. How do blenders themselves feel about deputizing others to do the hands-on blending? How do pipe smokers feel about that, and how much do we know? I think a good blender could ably fulfill another blender's requirements, but I'm not sure how many of the second tier folks have real talent and aptitude. Most of what we smoke, and the best of blends, are not blended by the person who formulated the blend. What do you know, and what do you think?