I saw it on opening day and loved it. A bit long yes, but I would have gladly sat there for another hour; I just love the world those movies have crafted.
I also love that for how deep and involved the world they've created is, the movies rely very little on exposition (Harrison Ford's unfortunate overdubbing on the original theatrical version aside).
Same goes for thematics, they don't hit you over the head with the ideas they are trying to put forward, they just knit them nicely into the story and trust their audience to put it all together. Nothing is worse than a movie where the characters are forced to stiltedly explain the ideas of the film through awkward dialogue (I'm looking at you Matrix sequels).
I also love that for how deep and involved the world they've created is, the movies rely very little on exposition (Harrison Ford's unfortunate overdubbing on the original theatrical version aside).
Same goes for thematics, they don't hit you over the head with the ideas they are trying to put forward, they just knit them nicely into the story and trust their audience to put it all together. Nothing is worse than a movie where the characters are forced to stiltedly explain the ideas of the film through awkward dialogue (I'm looking at you Matrix sequels).