yes Russ did an excellent job! I was just taken back on the bite of it and i have smoked it many times in 3 different pipes too. Same thing happens. I cannot wait to try Russ'sBengal Slices blend!
Read about it, ordered it, smoked it, loved it. :worship: :worship:tell me yr decisions about that blend please
Just saw this post. Yeah, I really like their music, it is quite different, not for everyone. I have not played any for quite a while and I was thinking about them just last week. I had to think for a minute how you figured that out, then I went DOH! Too bad that they have disbanded, I think they were just getting going and would have loved to see where they might have gone if not for the death of Sandman.+1 slownumbers. Also, are you a Morphine fan? The band, not the pharmy. You know, Mark Sandman and such.