Since it was a Canadian auction, I'm going to guess that the dark pipe at the top is a Brigham two dot, which is a nicely made pipe that uses unique hard maple filter tubes which work well, by most reports. The large apple or billiard may well be a Lorenzo. They specialized in large pipes with thick walls and that color was common for their pipes. Lorenzo is another well-made pipe. There seems little doubt that the Calabash is a genuine gourd with a meerschaum bowl. It looks to be in fine shape and I doubt it has been smoked much, based on the lack of darkening of the gourd. I agree that it is likely Pioneer, which made good block meerschaum pipes. Most Calabash bowls are not made from block meerschaum, but instead with a sort of meerschaum plaster which is molded. Looks like a nice set of well cared for pipes and I think the price was fair.