My wife gave me my birthday present today, a Peterson "86" Outdoor nosewarmer, 1X 50gr Frog Morton OTT, and 1X 50gr Mac Baren Vanilla Cream Flake! I had showed her this pipe a while back and I guess she remembered it. I had actually wanted one of these a few years ago, but they're kinda hard to find. The ones I had found were either shapes I didn't particularly like, or I didn't have the money at the time.
I've smoked two bowls in it today (something I don't normally do) and it smokes like a champ! First bowl was Carter Hall, the second was Mac Baren VBC.
As for the tobacco, she knows I like the Frogs, and here lately I've been going on about Vanilla Cream Flake, so I guess she was listening!
Man, I love that woman!