So, I got back into pipe smoking a few months ago and had the idea that I wanted to make something special for myself. Didn't really have a clue where to start, so I did what almost any beginning craftsman might do in today's age: I went to Google and Youtube. There, I found several videos and images to work with and decided on the wood I wanted to use. Being in Raleigh, we have a Woodcraft store nearby, so I picked out some lovely 2"x2"x6" cherry wood blocks for the bowl and a nice slab of 3/4"x6"x24" maple for the stem. Now being new to the whole idea of pipe making, I had a few other nice reads to help me out with draught hole size, bowl size, etc. One page I read told me what a range of draught hole sizes could be and that he, himself, preferred a 5/32" draught hole. I decided to give that a try and I also went with a 1" bowl diameter size, not really realizing just how large that would be when smoking. I pulled everything together and I came up with this:
The draw was a bit much for me and I think the 5/32" hole size produces more smoke than I wanted, so I built a second one, same design, only smaller, with a 1/8" draught hole size and a 3/4" diameter bowl:
The draw is so much smoother and much more to my taste than the 5/32" hole. I'm slowly learning my preferences by making these and they are so much fun to make. I'm looking forward to making more in the future.
The draw was a bit much for me and I think the 5/32" hole size produces more smoke than I wanted, so I built a second one, same design, only smaller, with a 1/8" draught hole size and a 3/4" diameter bowl:
The draw is so much smoother and much more to my taste than the 5/32" hole. I'm slowly learning my preferences by making these and they are so much fun to make. I'm looking forward to making more in the future.