During the summer or similar breaks I smoke my bigger pipes more. The rest of the year, I usually only have an hour or two at a time so a smaller pipe does the trick. Never really did much with half bowls but I may have to start experimenting.
I smoke my largest pipe a little less than the others. This is mainly because I find it impossible to clench a Savinelli 315EX (gigantic prince shape). It is a fun pipe, but the shape means I can only smoke it when I know I won't need to do anything with my hand other than to hold the pipe for about two hours. I can clench my other larger pipes and almost everything I smoke is suited to DGT.
I agree with Cortez. Group 3 or 4 bowls mostly. I have a couple larger size pipes but since I smoke mostly flakes I tend to save the big bowls for special occasions when I have a bunch of time and usually smoke loose cut in them. Often I only fill a group 4 size 1/2 to 3/4 full with cubed flakes and still get an hour smoke out of it.
Brian, I like the way you expressed that. Very thoughtful
I enjoy a group 6 type of pipe but generally the weight is too great for me if I'm doing anything at all