I don't normally get my blood pressure up about things like this, but it's easy to see that the stated intention of creating a "tobacco free military" is never going to come to fruition and constitutes, as many of these things do, alot of sound-bites and back-slapping on the part of the medical establishment and its public relations tentacles. Simply put, there is no way to eradicate tobacco use any more than there was a way to eradicate alcohol consumption (which, one could argue, would seem to have been far more impractical given creation, transportation, and consumption issues).
There will never be a time when tobacco consumption is eradicated fully. I'm sorry for those of you who love to throw around bumpersticker phrases like "Nazi Germany" and other hyperbole, but at the very most, a decision to do so at the ultimate cost of creating what would likely be an apparatus of widespread tobacco addiction (consider cocaine, heroin, other illegal substances) will keep the pendulum swinging as opposed to stopping the pendulum on one extreme side. If anyone honestly thinks that the Institute of Medicine recommendations will be carried to their fullest legal and practical stated extent, then you're fanatical about the issue and we can't discuss it rationally. I respect those of you who do feel these things, but I refuse to buy that party line just as I refuse to buy the Institute of Medicine's. I see alot of these points of view on full display in cigar shops, pipe shows, and the like, people trying to convince me that it's in my best interest to obsess about these political issues in a vein-popping, unhealthy way that (frankly) I think they really enjoy. There, I said it, and I say it because I know a few of these people personally, one being my father. The man is obsessed with hating Obama, sends 5,627 anti-Obama email forwards a day, and has shaved about 10 years off his life sitting around screaming and yelling about how the government is a fascist state that is hell-bent on eradicating freedom because cigarette smokers have to smoke outside now. Lots of people actually enjoy being this way, and if Obama loses the election and we all go back to "Mad Men"-tobacco levels and pipe smoking is as popular as Starbucks, trust me - they'll find something else to complain about.
This is an interesting article because it shows that there are still groups of people who are extremist about lifestyle politics. But those same extremist impulses are in our midst as well, and it's the extremism I despise (on both sides), and that scares me far more than some think-tank's unrealistic plans for a tobacco-free utopia.
Kevin, I respect your forum rules about politics, and I tried to speak diplomatically. But my viewpoint is that turning up the heat gets everyone boiling hot. Personally, I won't buy that ticket.