In the Fall as the coyotes follow the river that runs in front of my house and crosses our downtown I always see packs making their way from the WMA to the State Park. Twice in five years I was out jogging when they scurry head on past me. The hairs always stand up on my neck as I just watch them, while I just continue my run. I never feel threatened nor danger... just a feeling like pure nature crossed my path. I did have one approach me about eight years ago while I was setting outside smoking. They make a weird noise, not dog-like at all. I think it was just curious.
I know that they can and do sometimes hunt pets. Hell, so do my neighbors damned Blue Healers. But, I don't feel the least threatened by them.
We have had many sightings of black panthers in our area as well. I was out hunting and chatting with a wildlife officer out checking licenses, and I asked him about the black panthers there. He said not to tell him anything about sightings. He said they didn't exist, with a wink wink. And, he told me that if I killed one of the "non-existent" animals, not to tell him :::wink wink::: because if there was proof that they existed, they would have to protect them, and hunting would have to be tapered.
I've seen two, in all of the time I have lived here. I really haven't had the urge to kill one, and so far, not a single person has been injured by one :::knock on wood:::
This all probably doesn't play into the conversation. But...