Interesting. I will still look at new Petes, but I will be more careful. Right now I think I am going to go the estate route.Unfortunately, this does seem to be the new normal -- the thin, cheap plastic tenons seem to be the standard issue on many newer pipes.
I guess it's like that with a lot of hobbies - there's a lot to know with this one - which is odd since pipe smoking seems like it would be one of the simplest things a person can do!If an experienced pipe man like numbersix is having to return a Peterson, I can see the difficulty a relatively
new smoker might have.
I was just really surprised to see one in a Pete. But live and learn.
I think it may be—not sure, but I am willing to bet there are many Rosslare's out there without the filter, just my luck I got one with it.The same exact pipe you purchased, I had purchased a week prior from Bard's Vintage Briar, but mine does not have a filter. Maybe because it was "new old stock".