Wow, big can 'o worms coming up...just remember, taste is very subjective; just because you love a blend doesn't mean anyone else will. I mean, hell, Mixture 79 has been around for ages, obviously people enjoy, before you go and get your panties in a knot because someone doesn't like your favourite blend (or vice-versa), remember, they probably don't like the same foods you eat, nor beers you drink...but that doesn't make them any less of a person, nor does it you.
That said, my preferred OTC burley is Amphora Original Blend, but I've admittedly only partaken in CH and SWR for the U.S. OTC's.
***Sorry for the PSA; just sick of seeing people blowing up over nothing, ego's getting bruised, and people fleeing the board because of threads along these lines. Dunhill pipes, charred rims, and packing methods all come to mind...