Usually just water for me, but I do like viriginias with coffee sometimes.
I’m with you brother except, it’s anything and a beer?Anything with Diet Pepsi.
Birds of a feather.... I was going to post my favorite - a rhum mojito with a VaPerI have not tried it yet, but a good margarita paired with a good VaPer. Can see the zing of the lime playing well with the spicy perique.
I LOVE Walnut; and found some tubs of the Middleton Walnut at a Southern Illinois Pharmacy. I bought all five tubs, and counter lady looked at me like I was insane? Bonus was they were discounted to $9.99 a tub, and by the looks of the discount sticker, they’d been discounted for a few years? only wish they had Kentucky Club too, would’ve been my dream haulI have found this summer I can really enjoyed Walnut Match, or SPC Plum-pudding with a nice big glass of sweet tea to be my go to during the heat. What are y’all thoughts.