I recommend these pipes for aromatics:
Just having some fun.
I do smoke mostly non-aromatics but I have been playing around lately with some aro's I've accumulated in trade.
Since most aro's have lower nicotine, I tend to use larger pipes for them. Sometimes, I will fill the heel with a pinch or two of very dry non-aro tobacco, or even blend them together.
I currently have a very dry bag of Dark Bird's eye and fill the bottom layer of a large pipe with it before packing the aro on top of it. It works fine with a stronger flavored aro (I'm currently working through some GH&Co American Sweet Peach) but may color the flavor of a more delicate aro.
Carter Hall, Granger, some burley blending stock, try several until you find one that works for you.
All that said, the posts suggesting to refocus on drying and packing are still the place to start.