So.....who does what to dry tobacco? I know there are lots of methods out there. My personal routine includes spreading thin layers on cookie sheets and putting them under a lamp.
I currently grab a couple blends from Tinder Box and put them in their own Mason jars. The first couple/three days I'll leave the lids off for an hour or so each day until it dries to a good smoke. Then, keep them sealed, blend each bowl how I want it to taste until I run out. Then repeat.
So much depends on where you live: relative humidity varies greatly and temperatures do, too. Your method sounds fine! The RH in my house is around 50% most of the time, so I can air dry any that needs it. Occasionally, I will use a microwave for a few seconds.
Nuke it. Put the tobacco on the plate and give it 10 seconds. Another 10 is fine if the blend is wet - especially flakes - but more than that and you'll cook off the oils. Wipe the plate and leave the door open afterwards to clear any smells that could get the memsahib on your case.
I used to dry tobacco with the lamp method, but the only lamp I have is a energy saving lamp so it really doesn't dry too well. These days I actually prefer smoking slightly wet tobacco right out of the tin, just found they taste better that way.
I get more flavor with some tobaccos when they're wetter too. Compromise solution, suggested by someone here: dry some of the tobacco, and use it to top off the rest like kindling. Its heat ignites the rest better than direct flame.
I usually spread the baccy out on some kitchen paper and set it under a lamp. If its a moderately wet ribbon, usually a few minutes will do.
Thin flakes are left out overnight to air.
I just purchased some FVF for the first time. It'd been airing for nearly 24 hours when I cubed it and tried to smoke it but the flakes are so thick and so incredibly wet from the factory that the goddamn thing just wouldn't catch fire...
I sprinkle a bowls worth into a small ceramic or olive wood bowl that I use just for drying me leaf. Anywhere from a few minutes to a couple hours depending on how moist the tobacco is. ::
Last week I packed a pipe in the garage with CH and then got a call from work and forgot about it.
Last night I lite it up, it might be the best bowl I have ever had of anything.
Gonna have to start playing around with this drying idea myself...
Back when I use to chew, I would leave the pouch open on the truck dash for a day or so.
I'm a nuker as well, when needed. Like Andy said, 10 seconds will usually do it, let it sit for a couple minutes and you have a perfect moisture level.