I would recommend Boswell's Northwoods or the Frog Morton series. Several people claim that these have some kind of topping, but I think only one actually has any added flavoring (the newest, which is drenched in spirits). They do contain large amounts of cavendish, but that hardly makes them in any sense an aromatic. Another great suggestion would be some of the classic-style English blends that are relatively light on the latakia, such as Pease's Chelsea Morning or Dunhill's Early Morning Pipe.
There really are a ton out there to choose from, so I'm sure it feels a little overwhelming. I suggested these blends because they'll give you a pretty good idea as to what English/Balkan/what-have-you blends are all about without overwhelming your palate.
There really are a ton out there to choose from, so I'm sure it feels a little overwhelming. I suggested these blends because they'll give you a pretty good idea as to what English/Balkan/what-have-you blends are all about without overwhelming your palate.