Best Blends For Purposely Aging

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The Bard Of Barlings
Jun 15, 2013
Southern Oregon
Find what's available and stock up. SG St James Flake can be awesome after seven or more years. I like Full Virginia Flake as it ages.
The thing is, there's no guarantee of anything other that to some greater or lesser extent, the blends you've put up will change. You may or may no like the change. Some blends I don't like aged.


Mar 16, 2019
Jacksonville, FL
I agree with all the tobaccos mentioned thus far. If you are looking for a bulk(s) to add to this, I would proffer Sutliff 507-C VA Slices and Peter Stokkebye PS 402 Luxury Twist Flake. Both get better and better with age. I, also, have to add that the tinned tobacco (also, ”available”,if you can find it, in 500g bags) that, I have seen benefit the most from aging, is Rattray's Marlin Flake. After 2 years it becomes exponentially exceptional.


Pipe Dreamer and Star Gazer
I appreciate the great suggestions. I’m working on a 12 year and a 20 year plan. The 12 year plan is completed. I have various tins and jars of tobacco that fits that window well. Phase 2 extends 8 more years. This is the gap I need to work on now. I am about 10 pounds from my target. I like the idea of using lots of Virginias for the 13-20 range.
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Part of the Furniture Now
May 1, 2019
Los Angeles, CA
If you just want to buy bulk to age, Sutliff is going to be one of your best options. Also, the bulk 250g boxes of St. James Flake and Full Virginia Flake. I haven’t been smoking long enough to know, but I hear Full Virginia is awesome aged. St. James Flake is awesome already, but I’m sure it benefits from some age.

I have heard this Sutliff combo mentioned several times. Here’s a direct quote from someone on the Speak-Easy.Club forums:

“Home blend 50/50 mix of 515-rc and 507-s - these are both okay by themselves but toss them in a jar for a month or 6 and you've got something that will blow out 5100 every day of the week”
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