Sweet! The double-downs worked. As of yesterday's update, there were 11 blends in the upper echelon (20+ hit points) and now there are 7. The house of C&D remains largely unchanged, as it still has 4 blends in that tier, but group think prevailed to a large degree. 1792 was taken down a notch and many users decided to make like Mrs. Claus and jump Santa.
In a change of pace, the top spot is now a tie between two blends and it's the first time either of them were in the lead. C&D's Winchester and Watch City's 558 are tied at 24 points each. They've both been creepers, like Little Finger from Game of Thrones, wrenching control piecemeal.
Another blend kicked the bucket, too. Sutliff's The Old Boss faded into obscurity, though it scarcely ever saw an upvote. This blend, a crumble cake which
@JimInks once called "
mildly moist," now rests in mildly moist peace. It may be missed, or it may not.
+ Escudo
- Ryback
- Cowboy Coffee
AC Peterson
Escudo - 10
Cornell & Diehl
Eight State Burley - 8
Exclusive - 22
Steamworks - 21
Sun Bear - 23
Winchester - 24
Country Squire
Cowboy Coffee - 12
Daughters & Ryan
Ryback -11
Early Morning Pipe - 9
Erik Stokkebye 4th Gen
1931 Flake - 10
Pembroke - 14
Gawith Hoggarth
Aniseed Twist - 9
Bosun Plug - 18
Dark Flake Aromatic - 7
GL Pease
Bankside - 14
Geometrie - 2
Horizons - 9
Telegraph Hill - 18
Quiet Nights - 20
HU Tobacco
Aus dem Krater no. 2 - 13
Director's Cut - 17
Makhuwa - 17
Mac Baren
HH Burley Flake - 18
HH Latakia Flake - 16
Old Dark Fired - 7
Royal Twist - 11
Missouri Meerschaum
Luminaire - 12
Samuel Gawith
1792 Flake - 19
Cabbie's Roll Cut - 11
Doblone D'Oro - 8
Cringle Flake - 21
Match Victorian - 12
Phantom Privateer - 6
Watch City
558 - 24
Deceased, in order of disappearance:
1-Q - Lane
BCA - Lane
Bosun Cut Plug - GH
Golden Sliced - Orlik
Trail Head - Cascadia
Capstan Blue - Capstan
Rule Britannia - Drucquer & Sons
Bipolar Express - Watch City
Ennerdale Flake - GH
Three Sails - D&R
Dunbar - Esoterica
Pegasus - C&D
Shepherds Pie - Country Squire
Gates of Argonath - Ravenwood
The Old Boss - Sutliff
Oh, and
@tschiraldi gets to re-vote. The Old Boss was already no more.