Bent shapes are growing on me

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Can't Leave
Jul 13, 2015
Unesco world heritage
Up to now I found bent pipes unattractive. I found them looking grandfatherly and was staying clear of them. The only bent shape I owned so far is a Dunhill half bent dublin. But suddenly I like them more and more. To complete my Dunhill collection a bent saddle billard with a bruyère finish is on the way to my door. I fear that this will reignite my PAD after I found that I owned all the straight pipes I needed. In addition to the nice smooth curvy lines it's the comfort of clenching a bent pipe and the way it nicely rests in my palm that make bent shapes suddenly appealing to me. Is this a consequence of age since I am approaching grandfather age myself?



Can't Leave
Nov 28, 2016
I think it depends on what yer a doin.
For me, a nice Bent Bulldog with a thin stem is one of my favorite smokers. Especially when I'm readin, interwebbin or refurbin (another Bent Bulldog of course).
The geometry is better, hangs better, easier to clench and easier to light / re-light (can see what yer doin better)
Don't get me wrong, I like straight pipes just fine. Many of my briars are straight. Heck, the one I'm smokin now as I type is a straight apple with a saddle bit.
I'd like to think that it has less to do with yer age than your maturity... 8)



Might Stick Around
Jul 12, 2017
Aiea, Hawaii
I got a Dunhill Ruby Bark Oom Paul along with 2 other bent pipes about a week or so ago and I love them. I don;t even smoke my straight pipes anymore since I got these. I especially love how the Oom Paul is just made to hang perfectly on the jaw with no weight or pressure at all on my teeth like the straight pipes caused.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 20, 2017
Ontario, Canada
I thought the same thing. I always liked the look of straight pipes and wasn't much of a fan of bent pipes. But now they seem to be growing on me, I just need to find one that I like in my price range.



Nov 19, 2009
Chicago, IL
Nearly all of my pipes are bent to some degree. At my (advanced) age the straights seem to be too flamboyant when clenched, and given my increasingly sedentary lifestyle, decidedly less practical than bents in most situations. (Heck, at my age everything seems to be increasingly bent.) :rofl:



Oct 14, 2015
Sunny Cornwall, UK.
Very few of my pipes are straight, I would say 3 out of ~30 in regular use. I put it down to 50% aesthetics and 50% practicality inasmuch as I like to see the top of the bowl when lighting.
Besides, there is far more variety in shapes on bent pipes than on straights which invariably all look pretty much the same.



Jul 10, 2015
Dalzell, South Carolina
I go thru phases. There are times when a bent pipe just calls to me, especially when I'm wearing my dentures. Most times I will choose a straight or 1/4 bent. However I've been toying with the idea of getting an Omm Paul. They just look so comfortable.



Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 29, 2012
Wilmington, De / Ithaca, NY
The first couple of pipes I bought were bent. They were run of the mill and poorly engineered. I was also a new smoker. So, my initial experience with bents was quite poor. They gurgled, smoked wet and the smoke got in my eyes...
Only in this past year have I ventured past the 1/8th bent into the half and full bents. A well made pipe and more experience has made them quite enjoyable.



Nov 13, 2012
I'm the opposite. I started out with all bents and at some point started moving into straight pipes.



Your Mom's Favorite Pipe Smoker
Aug 27, 2016
One look at my pipe racks and it's easy to see what I prefer.. straight, longer shanked billiard derivatives that would fall in to a group 1-3 size.

That said.. I've owned a few bent pipes that eventually got sold or traded off mostly due to their size not shape.

It's not the shape or feel that turns me off..its the size of the bowl that makes it difficult for me to find bents i really like.

I think I've hit the personal jackpot however as I've got a diminutive bent Castello coming to me.

I've always enjoyed looking at Castellos but their typical size has been a turn off. Can't wait to get my en-route one packed and lit.
Castello bent billiard kk



Dec 29, 2016
its the size of the bowl that makes it difficult for me to find bents i really like
Peterson 303, 314 and 317, to name a few have smaller bowls. They're light, easy to clench and fit into virtually any size pocket.



Feb 21, 2013
My first pipe was a French made (probably) St. Ives Tinder Box, a full bent pot that I still have, an excellent smoker; it's now about 40 years old. Several things about bent pipes. You have to somewhat define what you mean, since many pipes are bent, but only slightly or somewhat. Full bent is a special category. The advantage of full bent is that the bend takes a lot of leverage off the pipe stem, so they ride a lot easier on your teeth and jaw. A heavier full bent pipe feels lighter. More than half of my full bent pipes will not take a pipe cleaner all the way to the bowl. The pipe cleaner goes down into the shank, but can't make that abrupt turn. I consider it a special quality when a full bent pipe will take a pipe cleaner all the way to the bowl. Otherwise, you just take off the stem from time to time and clean out the shank.
Now to the subjective part. How does a full bent pipe make you or me look? Since I bought my first pipe in my thirties, I don't associate a full bent pipe with being elderly. They do look somewhat mature -- scholarly, stogy, or sophisticated, depending on how you think about it. Zulu's are somewhat bent but look as jaunty or more so than many straight pipes. I think much depends on the pipes shaping, style, finish, and of course, how you act with it. Finally, of course, pipe smoking is so confined around public places and social occasions, the impression pipes give is rarely beheld or appreciated, so the effect is entirely among your household and close friends who have so much other input about how they feel about you and what they know about you, the pipe's impact is pretty much incidental. I think if you act young and lively for your age, the pipe will support that, whatever its shape.



May 12, 2015
Carmel Valley, CA
Diff folks, diff strokes! I like 'em all. Large and small straights and bents. Not a fan of pokers or freehands. Hungarians are a favorite in bents, and Canadians in straights.



Jun 5, 2010
Cornelius, NC
I don't like straight pipes as they cause me to hold my arm up to support them, and having few muscles in my arms and hands, my arm gets tired and I hate clenching a pipe and trying to support it with my teeth. So I prefer a bent pipe, actually want a desk pipe with a hose so that I won't have to hold anything.



Jun 5, 2017
HOOKA! That would do it Hobie!
Cortez said it for me. I like the look and feel of bent pipes. Even as a newbie I have a lot of straight pipes, mostly due to buying estate lots.

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