Hi All, The stem on this pipe is not what I had planned. I was going to use a piece of 8 swirl Cumberland and was just about finished when I sanded through the area right in front of the button. I thought I was keeping a close eye on the height with my calipers but I guess not close enough. Crash and burn the Cumberland. I had this stem from another pipe that I haven't put into production or use and decided to try it. There is about a 1mm lip all around the stem/shank junction. The stem is just slightly larger. Since it was already all shiny nice, instead of taking the stem down, (I didn't want to remove any more material from the saddle area) I decided to make a judgement call and leave it. I don't think it looks too bad but I'm sure others will disagree.
Anyway, here she is.
Anyway, here she is.