The underlined portion is a textbook example of a recursive error, you understand.It's not stubborness for the sake of it. I'm going on my own experience, and the fact that I've heard more advice concerning bending a stem for having a wire in the airway as opposed to without.
The REASON you keep hearing bogus advice is because people keep REPEATING it. "I read it on the Internet so it must be true."
Entire TV shows have been based on the phenomenon.
Why does such silliness take root in the first place, you ask? Again, this thread is a textbook example. Unsupported faith---"believing in" things (often irrational things)---has evolutionary origins. It's a key component of tribalism, and for several million years humans who didn't belong to a tribe didn't last long. In short, stubbornness paid off.
But that, as they say, is a whole 'nother subject. :lol:
It does explain, however (in part, anyway), why the older guys like me get, the less time we spend trying to sort things out for other people. Especially on the Internet. It's like trying to fill the Grand Canyon with a shovel.