I sit here reading the forums this morning, as I often do instead of selling insurance, and am just gobsmacked by the amount of bellyaching that goes on about retailers. I just don't get it. If a retailer upsets you and doesn't provide the service you expect, move on. If you don't give them a chance to fix a situation, maybe the problem is on you? There's more than one retailer in this game and I fully believe that we're, all of us, grown people capable of navigating our own issues most of the time. What gives with the desire to blast a retailer on a forum because this or that happened with an order... Deal with it?!?
Sorry, my coffee was cold from Jack in the Box this morning, and I'm upset about it. Carry on. 8)
Sorry, my coffee was cold from Jack in the Box this morning, and I'm upset about it. Carry on. 8)