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Jul 25, 2012
Hey all,
I'm sure you've heard this story dozens of times - for that I apologize:
I just got my first pipe. I've been kicking around the idea for years and have always loved the smell of pipe tobacco - that was my ultimate goal, not to *taste* the tobacco but to enjoy the aroma. I knew I was buying a cheap pipe (Dr. Grabow) and tobacco (Captain Black Royal) but I didn't want to spend much money in case I did not enjoy the experience. I was able to pack and light the bowl without too much trouble.
To make a long story short, I was sorely disappointed. It did not smell or taste anything like the fond memories I had and now, an hour after I finished, my entire mouth tastes like I've been chewing on a charcoal briquette despite using mouth wash and drinking water. It reminds me of the smell of cigarette ashes to be honest.
I know there are enormous differences from pipe to pipe and blend to blend but I was shocked at my failure. Now, bear in mind I have never smoked anything before (cigar or cigarette) but I've been around plenty of pipe smokers (none of them family so it's difficult to get advice). I did use wooden matches to light it but I waited for the sulfur to burn off before using them. Also, I'm using 6mm Medico filters.
So, on to my questions: what did I do wrong? Is there a pipe tobacco that you would recommend for a complete beginner? Finally, I just opened up the pipe package and filled it up (half way, as instructed); is there something I should have done to prep it?



May 4, 2011
CBR (Captain Black Royal), like most of that line are big on room note and small on flavor. From what you describe, you may have packed too loose and smoked too fast. That will make the smoke too hot and give you that ashy taste.
If your Grabow was the same as mine, it probably had a pre-carbonized bowl, so it really isn't necessary to smoke half-bowls, as long as you smoke slow.
Take a peep at this-
And this-
paying close attention to the 3-Step method, which is the easiest for most. These tutorials and videos cut down my learning curve immenseley! I started with Captain Black and an Ebay Estate pipe so are experiences aren't dissimilar.



Sep 7, 2011
Capac, Michigan
I didn't want to spend much money in case I did not enjoy the experience

Ahh thats a bit of a catch 22. You spend less money just in case you don't enjoy it, but in spending less money you aren't getting as high a quality product, which in turn may lead you to not enjoy it. Captain black is a heavily cased blend, and is considered a "Drug Store BLend"(since you can often find it at drugstore). Also Captain Black doesn't have a strong flavor. Try going to one of our site sponsors(they are listed on the left side of the site), and get your self some tobacco. Cornell & Diehl, MacBaren, and McClelland are just a few good ones.

is there something I should have done to prep it?
Yes. Often Captain Black is quite moist, so set it out on a piece of paper and let it dry out a bit

Also, I'm using 6mm Medico filters.

Try taking out the filter and having a smoke. Most of us don't use them



Dec 5, 2011
Welcome aboard !
Some of my advice, but I'm sure others will chime in quickly. This place has a wealth of knowledge (and many differing opinions). Rule #1: don't fret. Rule #2: it takes some time to learn what you like and how to smoke a pipe to get all the favors out
So here goes:

1) Lose the filter

2) Pack looser than you think it needs to be

3) Smoke slower

4) if you can, lay out the tobacco a little while on a piece of paper or paper towel.
What you probably had was smoking too hot. And given that most tobacco, especially aromatics like Captain Black, can be on the moist side right out of the pack, you end up with steam. Heat + moisture = steam. Steam and tongue = no flavor, burned tongue and all kinds of not so pleasant stuff.
Others can chime in, but don't give up jus yet, give it some time and practice.
Once again, welcome aboard. Sit down, relax, buckle up and enjoy the ride.



Jul 1, 2012
Central Oregon
Your question is one that I think most of us have had at one time or another. My advice, which is in no way original, take it slow. You will find what you like, and before you know it you will think back and say, "Wow, that was not as hard as I thought it would be."



Oct 13, 2011
Puget Sound
Welcome to the forum, docturknowles. No need to apologize. Many beginners have a similar experience.
The most difficult things for beginners to learn are:

1. Pack lightly.

2. Smoke slowly.
Dr. Grabows are good enough. The filters are fine if you like them. Many don't.

Learning the technique is more important.
Don't give up. You will learn. :puffy:


J. Mayo

Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 18, 2012
I also picked up a pipe mostly because I enjoyed the smell. I soon found that when you're actually doing the smoking the fragrance is different to you than it would be if you were smelling someone else smoking it. I have the same experience with cigars on the rare occasion that I have one. Just my $.02. Utilize the advice that the others have given, it can make a world of difference. Don't give up! We don't all just enjoy that burned charcoal flavor you experienced, it gets better.



May 4, 2011
You may also want to take a whack at an English like Dunhill Early Morning Pipe or one of the Frog Morton blends. The room note may not be as pleasing to bystanders but you will get more out of it flavor-wise.



Jun 16, 2012
I've been exactly where you are and I say ditch the captain black and get some samples from Pipes and Cigars or another sponsor site here. You will be happy to at least get some flavor. I would recommend English blends and burley blends as they are less likely to bite or burn your tongue if and when you smoke too fast. Read, read, read, and then reread.



Jul 22, 2012
Mount Sterling, Ohio
I'm brand spanking new to this. My first day was pretty fricking dismal. I had great tobacco, and an ok pipe. But i had no clue what i was doing. Seems like the simplest of concepts: Pack, Light, Drawl, and Release... It is that easy, however, it's how you pack, how you light, how you drawl, and when to release. There are many different variations, and many different variables. It is a learned hobby and unfortunately, a trial and error ordeal. But there is good news... If you listen to these guys, and follow their suggestions, it becomes what you want it to be. You didn't jump on a bike and start riding. This is similar. This is only my 11th day. Up until i came here 3 days ago it was a very slow learning process. In the past 3 days, i have came leaps and bounds and am happy that i didn't give up after my tongue was beat to hell on day one:) this is a great lot of guys that have made me feel welcome, and continue to coach me into being a happy, satisfied pipe smoker. Happy to see you Dr. Keep coming back and don't give up.



Dec 14, 2009
Birmingham, AL
Even after 18 years of smoking a pipe, I am still learning. I still use the 3 part packing method as well.

I had been a pipe smoker for over 30 years and knew I loved it, but didn't understand what and why.

Then I joined the Forum and began to have my eyes opened.
As for the room note; one of the best tobaccos that will appeal to those around you and give you the satisfaction of a good mild taste and won't take your head off with nicotine... is Lane 1Q.

It was my very first tobacco and is still my number one.

One added benefit... those around you will thoroughly enjoy the aroma (room note).

It will bring fond memories to those around you, and it's an easy smoke.
Don't fret about the Dr. Grabow... they have made good pipes for seemingly a millennia.

As your PAD (Pipe Acquisition Disorder)grows in intensity, you'll soon learn your preferences for certain styles and makers.
Just two more things:

1)Baron is quite correct





Nov 26, 2011
Nova Scotia, Canada
Welcome mate, Your Dr. Grabow is a good starting pipe. Make sure you use a new filter for each smoke. Make sure your CB baccy is dry.(I like mine almost crispy) Pack it loose, very loose, and sip it, don't suck on the stem. Enjoy mate.



Jul 25, 2012
Thanks all for the suggestions! I know I have a long way to go, but I thoroughly enjoyed my second attempt at the pipe!
I did switch the tobacco I was using (I had purchased the Captain Black sampler) to the white label. I still got a bitter flavor at the end of the bowl and I finished the whole thing off quickly so I suspect I'm still burning it too hot but over all I am very happy.
Thanks all for the support and suggestions! I also ordered a small pack of Dunhill Early Morning and Lane 1Q to try out some different blends. Again, thanks to everyone!



May 4, 2011
One thing that helped me with my smoking cadence is practicing smoke rings. It's a little tricky, but if you sip some smoke, use it to blow 4 or 5 rings (or try, anyway) , let the rest out when you exhale, then sip again, it will help you slow down. When you draw, sip. It should feel like a soda, not a milk shake. If that makes any sense.



Jul 26, 2012
I have to say that this thread and several other along this line has been a great help to me. Coming from a cigar background I understand and know some about tobacco and techniques. But pipes are a whole new animal too! Don't recall exactly where I read it but the info on tamping was a huge help too.



Jul 27, 2012
As I am also very new to pipe smoking I've been researching various sites and came across this video on packing a pipe - maybe it will help?
I hope I am not breaking any rules posting this vid, but I haven't seen this technique mentioned elsewhere and so far I've had reasonable success with it.

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