So here's a few I've been tinkering with in what little spare I've had lately.
All of these pipes seem very well constructed, with excellent engineering. I've yet to find a fill on any of the smooth pipes!
Here's a little Ehrlich billiard (no mod. #). I've had good luck with Ehrlichs in the past, and I'm sure these will be great as well!
Here's the before pics;
And here's the after pics;
Here's another Ehrlich, a "332" straight billiard.
And after;
Here's a Playboy pipe.
And after;
Here's a St. James "33" straight billiard ( a Comoy's sub-brand)
And after;
All of these turned out OK I think, but I still need to touch up the stem logos on a couple of them.
All of these pipes seem very well constructed, with excellent engineering. I've yet to find a fill on any of the smooth pipes!
Here's a little Ehrlich billiard (no mod. #). I've had good luck with Ehrlichs in the past, and I'm sure these will be great as well!
Here's the before pics;
And here's the after pics;
Here's another Ehrlich, a "332" straight billiard.
And after;
Here's a Playboy pipe.
And after;
Here's a St. James "33" straight billiard ( a Comoy's sub-brand)
And after;
All of these turned out OK I think, but I still need to touch up the stem logos on a couple of them.