In an attempt to rub it in some more (all in good spirits), the Stella Artois brewery, originally called "Den Horen" was founded in...... 1366 ;-)
But here's another tid-bit for ya. It helps understand how much beer is a part of the my heritage. When I was a kid, we didn't have soda. Soda's were for a special occasion at a restaurant or when dining out. At home, we drank "table bier". A drank brown, sweet beer of low fermentation (less than 2% abv). Yes, as kids 4 years old, this is what we drank with dinner. One or two each day. Outside of that, water. I found an article below. My grandpa was the accountant for the brewery "Den Biertoren" so that's the one we usually had, but we also had Piedboeuf. You can see the very long list of Belgian table beers on the link. My kids here tried it.... Not much of a success :rofl:
Or if the google translate didn't work, here's the original link. you can copy paste this link in google translate yourself. The translation was pretty good.