BBB 1897 Meerschaum & Case - Latest Toy!

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Dec 22, 2013
New York
I just knocked this fellow down on Oi Vay for very little money. This is an incredible find as it is a BBB pipe with the markings both in the case but also on the silver band with hall marks for 1897. Just so you guys can get a feel for what a rare find this is I have attached a little commentary on BBB below who also make a bunch of other pipes that you chaps are always chatting about here on the forum. The article below from the reborn pipes website tells you everything you need to know about BBB and you will surprised to see who this lot made pipes for over the years. Anyway I know you lot just want to look at the pictures so here you go feast your eyes on an ancient BBB 'cutty' style meerschaum pipe with correct amber stem where the threads have not been buggered up or glued into place by some 1970s vandal and the case doesn't need any repairs.





Wow! WOW!
That is stunning - a great find there Condor. Great to see that beauty going to a good, appreciative home.
Hope it brings you many, many years of pleasure.



May 25, 2012
Simon, you can thank my 8-year old for having an out-and-out hissy fit as this auction closed -- otherwise you would have paid more! :mrgreen:
Congrats, that's a great pipe -- and right up yer alley.



Dec 22, 2013
New York
Thanks chum! I am normally the only buyer of this style of pipe so I am surprised you would have been interested. It should smoke OK.



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 9, 2014
Simon could you please post the link for the Oi Vay site? I can't seem to find it anywhere. Since I'm growing quite fond of Condor I wouldn't mind obtaining a meer cutty since you are such a champion of them in regard to the smokin' o' the Green.



Dec 22, 2013
New York
I have PM'd you. I don't sell meerschaum 'cutty' pipes and it is a long standing habit which might not be to everyones taste as these pipes take a lot of work to get the maximum benefit from smoking one. I would recommend you read my 'Buyer Guide' to buying these things as it will save you a lot of grief and help you avoid the pit falls that are so common with these old pipes especially sections on amber stems, duck quill stingers and the bone threads used in the 19th century. If you run across one on Oi Vay that you like do PM me as you just don't want you to get caught up in an unnecessary and expensive bidding war with me as I just routinely buy these up regardless of cost and hence why I have so many! Good luck and you can always email me if you need advice.



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 9, 2014
I knew you were part of a secret cabal--the one that uses demonic symbology and rain forest hallucinogenics to alter your senses enough to actually enjoy the Lakeland essence.



Jan 31, 2011
Congrats! A rare find of a magnificent pipe with a special history...definitely at home in your collection...enjoy.



Dec 22, 2013
New York
@Darwin there is a group of pipes - I think eight on Oi Vay (Ebay) and one of them is a meerschaum 'cutty' and from what I see probably the 5" variety. I suspect it is of the threaded variety so I would check with seller to see if the threads are sound and not stripped from the shank. That's the good news, now here is the bad news. The stem is snapped 5/8th of the way down from where the stem and shank connect. This will require the pipe to take a trip to the 'Pipe Hospital' and the only person I recommend for this type of work is Tim West whose work on old and antique meerschaums is in my opinion by far the best in the field. Just remember from the point of delivery expect to wait at least eight months to a year. He still has five of mine delivered to him in March of this year but the wait is well worth it and the prices for repairs are very reasonable. The other pipes are pretty much dross but you might be able to trade them off with someone and try and recoup some of your costs as I think the $125 price tag is a little on the optimistic side. There is also a single cased meerschaum 'cutty' from Denmark for about $65 and I have corresponded with this guy but I can never get to the bottom of what threads are like in the pipes shank so I just gave it a miss. I will not be bidding on these items so best of luck to you.



May 25, 2012
Thanks chum! I am normally the only buyer of this style of pipe so I am surprised you would have been interested.
I've become absolutely mad for pre-Oppenheimer BBBs. I have a briar cutty in almost exactly that shape, so a BBB meer isn't that much of a stretch. My first ever meer, as it happens, is an old c. 1900 zulu with an amber stem and a black plastic band(!) for a repair. It's ugly as sin, but it smokes wonderfully. And it's amazingly light -- I never knew how light meerschaum was ("What? Smoke tobacco out of a rock!? No thank you.") Now I know.



Dec 22, 2013
New York
@Pitchfork Does your briar 'cutty' come in a case as there were a couple of them on Oi Vay last week that got knocked down for about $30 each but they had silver fittings but they didn't look like BBB and they had vulcanite stems. I couldn't see the insides of the bowls but one of them looked pretty rough and I am really not a briar man as I only own one here in the US so I gave them a pass. I will let you know how this one is when it surfaces.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 23, 2014
Ames, IA
That engraved English silver really does a lot for a pipes look. The craftsmanship is really amazing. Plus it's always dated. Great pipes!

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