Absolutely beautiful pics!
Regarding Absinthe, in the land of the free it is only allowed to contain 10 ppm or less thujone (the "active" ingredient from sources such as Wormwood). So, practically speaking, Absinthe in the U.S. is really not much different than very high proof alcohol, because that is the only other difference...high alcohol content.
EDIT: I meant to add, 10 ppm or less is officially/legally considered "thujone free", because it essentially has little or no affect.
Regarding Absinthe, in the land of the free it is only allowed to contain 10 ppm or less thujone (the "active" ingredient from sources such as Wormwood). So, practically speaking, Absinthe in the U.S. is really not much different than very high proof alcohol, because that is the only other difference...high alcohol content.
EDIT: I meant to add, 10 ppm or less is officially/legally considered "thujone free", because it essentially has little or no affect.