I smoked cigarettes (quit a long time ago, many years before I smoked a pipe) and cigars (which I still smoke) before I picked up a pipe, and the only pipe tobaccos I truly dislike are Latakia and flowery Lakelands. It isn’t a question of “taking a while to enjoy them,” I am 100% certain I don’t like them. I gave them a good chance, and they’re not for me.
I also don’t like raspberry vinaigrette. I don’t stress about it or try to acquire the taste. I just eat the salad dressings that I enjoy. Same with pipe tobacco.
Ever since I became a V-word I have trained myself to like 100% of the flavors I get my hands on, things I absolute abhorred not long before. Anise and dill were my last bastions, I actually just ate anise tonight in one of my favorite stews of all time which uses an Uyghur spice blend. I do feel it's possible to acquire tastes for things.
However, I love dill, and I love cucumbers, but dill pickled cucumbers I can take or leave (I know this is blasphemy to some), they have flavors I enjoy but the end result is just eh. Dill pickled fennel I can eat by the cup full. I think this is a more suitable analogy for how you feel albeit not perfect.
I am on a quest to find tobaccos with absolutely no casing. The trade secret, hidden info about blends sort of peeves me in this regard. They leave it to us to figure out what's on it if it's not utterly blatant. I'd rather be told so I don't waste my money.