Balkan Sovereignty - I think this is Funny, but Not Sure

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May 4, 2011
Too bad he isn't American. Someone who can talk for that long just to deliver 2 minutes of disinformation and nonsense could run for public office.



May 8, 2011
Too bad he isn't American. Someone who can talk for that long just to deliver 2 minutes of disinformation and nonsense could run for public office.
damn straight haha!!



Jan 2, 2012
User schmitzbitz has written:
What I find most humourous is how this fellow goes on about this re-release being THE Balkan Sobranie Original Blend, which shows the true innocence. Certainly, the blenders at Germain followed the blending notes from the House of Sobranie to a T. Unfortunately, due to the constituent ingredients (Syrian Latakia, anyone?) not being available on the market, this is simply the closest approximation they could create by doing so.
Sir, this is a perfectly valid comment that does neither concern my voice or my diction, nor does it form any imprudent conclusions based on prejudice towards my final statement - the part which appears to have caused the most controversy among you fellow pipe smokers. According to my view of the world, there should exist no claim or thesis above questioning - and that includes my own, obviously - as long as that scrutiny is performed in a polite, diplomatic and constructive fashion. Instead, what I found in the majority of these comments was only as fanciful as it was revealing.
Sir, allow me to recall that I never say or willfully imply that this is "THE" original Balkan Sobranie: I only state that it is an old-fashioned recuperation of the original blend, preserved in part and as much as was possible given the many constrictions applying here - you underlined one as an example, which was most perceptive of you.
So as to spare you from the pains of watching the rest of my video, I will say that one of my conclusions referred "Balkan Sobranie OSM" as a blend which exists almost exclusively in the past, for the structure of tobacco production and marketing has changed visibly since the days when it was introduced. The diversity and weight of these changes is so vast, I would have to borrow an equal amount of time to cover the majority of them - another aspect I actually point out during the much detested video. In retrospective, and favoring good rigor, we cannot speak of a "Balkan Sobranie" per se; but rather several versions of the blend that have come to exist, not all of them officially I suppose, the last of which under the care of Gallaher (of Condor fame) discontinued in 2005. Even so, we must understand that when a blend is officially reproduced or resumed, a more or less strict list of parameters needs to be certified.
We must also bear in mind that the "recipe" of a blend consists not only of a one-line indication describing proportions and components; it is a document containing vital and often detailed information reporting all the methods and measures necessary in order to recreate it. If you have read about the importance and implications of "recipes" as trade secrets and how they represent a sizable pillar of the tobacco industry, you will know this only too well.
Given my utmost respect for J. F. Germain & Son, both in what their factory represents still - truly one of the last bastions of traditional English pipe tobacco - and the knowledge I came to acquire regarding the preservation of time-honored techniques, I am forced to say that they're not only the most adequate factory to assume the tall order of reproducing Balkan Sobranie; as my own experience with the blend only further demonstrated their delightfully outmoded blending routines. In the video proper I explain how they have kept many essential aspects intact, from the presentation of the tobacco to the maturation processes which defined the era of blending in which Sobranie was first introduced.
This alone, in my view, makes the new version of the blend a rare - if not unique - specimen within the context of today's market; and, therefore, it should be approached respectfully among purported experts and enthusiasts of tobacco. To the best of my understanding, such was not the case with the article authored by Mr. Smith - against whom I have nothing personally, although I do find the structure and content of his article to be atrocious and unworthy of the content quality we've grown accustomed to in this website.
Thank you for your time, merry puffing to you all: even to those who think I'm pompous, loquacious and should run for public office. I'd instantaneously appoint you all for a full, fourteen year mandate at the Federal Reserve Bank - how about that? I believe the proper onomatopoeia would be Ka-ching? Not being an actual American, I wouldn't know.
Bruno (DailyPufer)




Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 18, 2011
Ya know, I really despise that "crazy" (or as they say here, "fk'd in the head") smilie, and would never dream of using it to anyone on any forum, no matter what the circumstances, or how stupid or bizarre I PERCEIVED them to be, it's just cruel and callous imo.
To berate, critisize, deride or even go so far as to call someone else, especially a total stranger who has done you no personal harm, a piece of shit (aka turd as above) or to infer anything remotely similar, merely because they have the ability to express themselves far more eloquently than the average philistine wandering aimlessly about the planet, is just a display of school yard bullying (read personal insecurity) carried on into the individual's supposed "adult" life, and is akin to all those little boys' behaviour in Lord of the Flies novel.
To show absolute disrespect for another soul who has not enjoyed such a privileged existence as the majority of us have but, despite the odds, has bettered themselves in a constant quest for knowledge and experience etc. etc. and will undoubtedly do so for the rest of their days due to their very nature, is just deplorable.
So many times hereabouts I see the die-hard Christians espousing their views and requiring others to behave according to a certain behaviour code that appeases them, or I see the "We pipe smokers are superior to the peasants and should act accordingly" statement because this so-called Brotherhood of the Briar is for elitists, wannabes, and/or those of us who're just plain addicted to nicotine due to our own inherent character flaws (yes, I admit I am pathetic to allow nicotine to have such a hold over me & my life). Such individuals attempt to demand or command respect yet rarely are they able to compromise and give the same in kind without rolling their eyes heavenward thinking, "Oh what a wanker, weirdo, yada yada yada" - what, just because another person's actions or words are not to your taste?
WTF are you, or me, or anyone else, to poke merciless fun at another, especially when everything about them indicates they could wipe the floor intelligence & vocabulary wise with the best of the best around here? It's the most hilarious thing I think I've ever seen, except for the recent "holier than though" debacle that was eventually closed. And, if you hadn't guessed, my original post herein was directed squarely as those in the aforementioned debacle who decried other individuals they considered more lowly than themselves sitting on high.
Unfortunately I can see now that my first post was a tad ambiguous, as it would appear that I was tarring him with the same brush, albeit nothing could have been further from the truth - this guy, of such young and tender years with his whole life ahead of him, will certainly amount to something most of us could only beginn to aspire to, and if you can't see that or feel it in your water, there's not much hope and very little joy - what heights have you reached? I've reached no lofty heights at all in my eyes, despite what others may say, but I do love to see and bask in the glory of others who clearly will instead of feeling threatened/irked by them, or to poke fun/insults because they're more of an intelligent being than I'll ever be x 10!
Now, to save ya'll the trouble, I'll give myself one, or even a few just smilies, to show that I know I am in your veiled eyes: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: There, that confirms it, 2 posters herein are crazy, the rest are the switched on, intelligent all-knowing ones, the REAL true blue, dinky die, bone fide Bros of the Briar, pfft and lmfao!!!!



Smoking a Pipe Right Now
Staff member
Nov 16, 2008
St. Petersburg, FL
Bruno, et. al.,
I apologize if I personally offended you. It was not my intent, but I now see that this appears to have been the case, so I do sincerely apologize for that.
However, this does not change my opinion of the content of the video.
I stand by that.
Some people get "beer muscles" and some people get "Internet muscles".
Some people articulate things online that they would never have the nerve to say to someone in-person.
That is not the case for me. I am out in public at most of the pipe shows throughout the year.
At this point it's more than obvious that I was not fond of your content.
I'm a content producer myself, and we have our own standards here as to what we deem to be the quality that we will produce.
The nature of the Internet is that there is a low barrier to entry to get one's content online. That's just the way it is. Just about anyone can publish content online. That doesn't mean that they should.
I will not elaborate as to my assessment of your subject matter, as I do not wish to inflict further harm.
Here is an analogy that may be lost on our non-U.S. readers, as I'm not sure of the international distribution of this American T.V. show.
This situation reminds me of American Idol. (I don't watch the show as it is not to my liking, but I've seen enough clips in ads and on the news.)
This is like one of those terribly bad auditions where Simon tells the person they were horrible, and then they are shocked to hear this.
To sum up, I apologize for any personal attack and hurt feelings, but I stand by my assessment of the subject matter.



Can't Leave
Sep 30, 2011
This thread is completely ridiculous and gotten way out of hand IMHO. But I'd like to add my $.02 anyway :) I'm also going to preface this with saying that I am in no way belittling anyone or really even critiquing anyone here but rather just offering up some observations

I think part of the problem here is that the guy in the video, to most Americans, is going to come across as a stereotypical, pompous Brit. That is based on no other fact than simply the way he sounds. He starts talking and I guarantee that within 5 seconds that opinion has been formed regardless of the actual content. Couple that with the length of the review hitting Americans who are used to fast paced, instant gratification lifestyle and a rather extensive vocabulary not used by most people and it's just going to add to that impression. Right or wrong that's just going to be how it comes across.

For me, personally, I enjoy reading and studying theoretical physics, technology, religion, philosophy, humor, and occasionally fiction. I can't enjoy that style of writing or speaking especially at that length. Therefor I chose not to watch the entire video. Does that mean I'm not intelligent? No, it just means it's not my cup of tea. On the other hand, if you don't like the kind of stuff that I do that doesn't make you any more or less intelligent, just different. And thank whatever entity you want to for our differences. As far as "class" and "sophistication" go I figured out a long time ago that those are standards that society have set and really don't amount to much since it's all really in the eye of the beholder. They aren't things that are actually tangible or measurable and are easily faked. I really don't have the diction to convey my actual thoughts here and bravo those who do. It really doesn't speak for true intelligence though, just that some of us are stronger in that area than others. Again, that's not a critique on anyone, it's just a general observation.

@dailypuffer and @aussielass: All that being said, this is the internet...this is the kind of thing that happens here :) People can speak their mind with pretty much no recourse or consequence so they are going to. If you like what you're doing then keep at it, brother. I'll applaud the effort but ignore the product because, again, it really just doesn't appeal to me. And there's nothing wrong with that. If you want to make it more accessible then take the constructive comments (perhaps even the less tactful ones) to heart and just ignore the rest. Otherwise just keep doing what you love to do :D



Jan 2, 2012
@Kevin - Not a problem, Kevin. I appreciate your sincerity and regret that this video and the information contained in it fails to be met with your approval or standard. I had to do some research in order to understand that audition reference, not having watched the TV show, but I believe that I get it now. Perhaps the mention of this show alone speaks volumes of how distanced we are from one another in what regards our personal references and archetypes - perhaps even our priorities and aspirations in life. Personally, I find it reassuring to know that we may be still cordial and polite when addressing one another notwithstanding. Cheers, Sir.
@Kamikazesasquatch - That is a conciliatory argument if I ever read one! I also commend your honesty on this matter, in fact I entirely understand that the content of this video does not appeal to many viewers both due to its length; but also on account of my discourse which in itself, and to speak frankly, can be quite tedious. I do not lie when I say that I fell asleep listening to my own voice when editing the video late at night the other day. But, then again, I wouldn't know how to do it any better myself: such are the limits of my own capabilities. Perhaps, as you suggest, if I had adopted a more playful approach and chosen to use one of my feeble American accents, none of this would have happened.
I certainly don't claim superiority of any kind - how could I? -, even if I do use freedom of speech in order to express my views as everyone else is entitled to do in a free-thinking society. Any message is prone to be misinterpretation, scrutiny and rectification. A personal attack of any kind, on the other hand, is something I do not approve of. Whence comes such revulsion and bigotry? All that being said, this is the internet - well put, indeed.
Best regards to all.



Can't Leave
Sep 30, 2011
Yup. I'm not condoning or condemning anything anyone here has said. Just offering some observations that might help you and hopefully others understand one another. You may be a pompous Brit for all I know. Or you may just be a very down to earth individual who just has a passion for language and tobacco. You may be someone in any infinite number of degrees between or outside of those 2 things. Without knowing you personally I have no real way of knowing. Either way, you gotta live your life and if you're able to do that in a way that is fulfilling to you and isn't hurting anyone else then I'd say you're more successful, intelligent, and classy than most can hope to be, regardless of diction or lack of brevity ;) Best of luck to you, sir.



Sep 23, 2011
Really, this is what we are going to do, bash someone that has an opinion about something? First, Bruno, bashing Adam for his opinion, then Kevin bashing Bruno for his lack of knowledge, then Bruno explaining what he said and Kevin explaining what he said and everyone else chipping into the fray with their 2p on what everyone else said about everyone else. Really?
I would rather let Adam's assessment about the blend stand on its own, as well as Bruno's on its own. Everyone is allowed an opinion, and you may agree or disagree without making personal slights or wounds to that person.
I liked Adam's review, and Bruno's. I having actually smoked the real Balkan Sobranie in great quantities in the 70's, can say both of them are wrong and correct. Some of what each say are valid and misleading. Since this is just an opinion, I would expect no less a view from someone else, without all the finger pointing and he-haing.
Grow up people. I support anyone that is willing to "put it out there", which is why I am on the forums in the first place.
Bruno, I hope you stay on this forum and these posts are not just a chance to declare your response. I hope you throw your opinion out just like we all do, if you can handle the backlash, just as we all do.



Part of the Furniture Now
Feb 17, 2011
I personally think this thread has become completely ridiculous. I didn't like the video so I didn't continue watching and that's that. I also do not like to see something start as one thing and become a circus of apologies and bowing.

Could we not just accept that people have different opinions, have this thread closed, and stop talking about it? Does this all really need to go on?



Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 2, 2011
I personally think this thread has become completely ridiculous. *snip* Could we not just accept that people have different opinions, have this thread closed
+1: I would propose the thread closed as I've bit my tongue more than once now (not that I think 'biting my tongue' carries much weight, in case any get the wrong impression).
Bruno, I hope you stay on this forum and these posts are not just a chance to declare your response. I hope you throw your opinion out just like we all do, if you can handle the backlash, just as we all do.
+1: Bruno: I think you'd be a great addition. Please stick around :puffy:



Jan 2, 2012
Alright, Ladies and Gentlemen, that pretty much tears it. Let's call it a day and move on, shall we?

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