Balkan Sovereignty - I think this is Funny, but Not Sure

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Smoking a Pipe Right Now
Staff member
Nov 16, 2008
St. Petersburg, FL
I think it is funny, but I am not sure.
It is so, so, so bad, that it has to be a parody ... but I am not 100% sure.
This guy drones on, and on, and on, in what appears to be a fake accent, and does a monotonous, monotone, monologue.
Actually, if it is real, that makes it even funnier. This guy needs a straight jacket. He knows absolutely nothing that he propose to know either.
Save yourself some pain and fast forward to 46 minutes where he mentions and Adam's review of Balkan Sobranie.
I am LMFAO at what a fool this guy is ...



Jun 21, 2011
What is He talking about? Better Yet what is that thing that's talking? :crazy:



Dec 16, 2011
I don't think anyone would devote that much time to a joke. This guy seems to be dead serious. And quite the self-satisfied pompous ass IMHO. What's even more amusing is to go to the youtube page and ready the comments from viewers. :)

Jun 26, 2011
Pacific Northwest USA

It would appear that he likes Balkan Sobranie and uhhh... oh yeah, hehe, "Mr. Smith" is an ignorant innocent, lol (-;

Anyone that can watch the entire thing is made of stern material.
Ya know Kevin, can't thank you enough for posting this vid.

For as often as I've thought that I need to get a life, I see stuff like this and know that I'm actually OK!



Dec 14, 2009
Birmingham, AL
I did listen to most of it.

I may have to listen to it in its entirety.

If for no other reason than to hear the ramblings of an over-educated under-informed possessor of a reproduction Metropolis movie poster. He speaks as if his opinion is the only one with validity. I could try to see things from his prospective, but I can't get my head up my a$$.
As for the accent... probably real. Born of conceit, and a belief in his own self-importance.



Part of the Furniture Now
Aug 1, 2011
I've seen that D-bag's videos before. You should watch his review on Penzance.
On second thought, don't. It'll make you want to never smoke Penzance again! :lol:



Jan 13, 2011
Port Coquitlam, B.C.
What I find most humourous is how this fellow goes on about this re-release being THE Balkan Sobranie Original Blend, which shows the true innocence. Certainly, the blenders at Germain followed the blending notes from the House of Sobranie to a T. Unfortunately, due to the constituent ingredients (Syrian Latakia, anyone?) not being available on the market, this is simply the closest approximation they could create by doing so.

I will add that while I do agree it is somewhat unfair to compare a blend with three to four decades of age on it to one that is mere weeks off the production line, many would argue that representing the Balkan Sobranie as presented by Arango and Germain is unfair in itself, as it is not "Original Blend", for reasons outlined above. Calling it one and the same begs comparison to the real-deal, as it were.
If you read the voluminous literature about Hearth and Homes Black House, the winning entry in the Chicago Balkan Sobranie Throwdown (featuring 759 Mixture; nothing to do with the Balkan Sobranie Original Blend review and comparison presented this month); you'll find that he created the blend not by simply breaking down the sample of 759 into the constituent tobaccos, and copying the mix; but rather by smoking the sample of 759, learning the flavour profile, and re-creating that with varieties of leaf not found in the original 759. To me, while this method doesn't re-create the original blend, it creates a much closer approximation. Perhaps this is the commercial food-scientist in me talking, but this is preferred for to me, the essence of a blend is in the flavour profile. As ingredients change, the blend must as well - either tweaked by the blender to keep it as close to the original as possible, or changed by the market as constituent ingredients become unavailable / more available.
So how does Meridian fit into the picture? Well, it doesn't really, other than a few people had told Gregory Pease that it reminded them of the Balkan Sobranie Original, he figured what the hay; I'll toss a bit in for fun (and my smoking pleasure). It just so happens that in my personal opinion, which I do strive to keep as objective as possible, that it more resembled the flavour profile of the hallowed Original Blend. Certainly, not every one will agree with my opinion, and that's cool! Variety is the spice of life!
I would also like to point out that I did enjoy the Arango / Germain re-release, fitting the bill as a brash and bold Balkan blend. I also noted that the blend would highly benefit from some time to age, letting the flavours meld. So many people have asked how I could find this blend unsatisfactory, I didn't!
oh yeah, hehe, "Mr. Smith" is an ignorant innocent
I really can't argue that. :)



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 18, 2011
Nah, not fake at all - he really, truly believes he's one of those pompous buffoons who is a cut way above all else in his own little upper echelon class that one sees so very often from those who likewise shove a lump of root wood with a plastic stem poking out of it into their gob and suddenly take on their superior persona or alter-ego.
His accent and manner of speech is perfectly genuine, not affected in any shape or form - he clearly comes from an upper middle class English background, privately educated, uni-degreed (probably multi) who believes his membership in the brotherhood of briar gives him licence to talk at everyone else so as to demonstrate his perceived superiority. I can think of many who would be highly jealous of his true class and style because they have less than zero in their oh so common gauche genes.
He, my good man, is an absolute gem and, if he was of a different pursuasion, I'd marry him albeit I would be forced to keep him gagged much of the time!!!! (I always get a giggle at how the Yanks just "don't get" the class conscious Brits or Aussies at all, but then neither do we "get them" either so it makes for a lot of fun and interesting times).



Starting to Get Obsessed
Dec 10, 2010
Hey....Im sorry about the video, what can i say? I hadn't had my coffee yet when i did this!



Part of the Furniture Now
Aug 1, 2011
(I always get a giggle at how the Yanks just "don't get" the class conscious Brits or Aussies at all, but then neither do we "get them" either so it makes for a lot of fun and interesting times).
Oh we get it. We just think its stupid. :wink:



May 8, 2011
He sounded like he was trying to sound much smarter than he really is, and use words that are bigger than the words he normally uses...all while trying to hold in a pretty good size turd from soiling his underwear



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 18, 2011
Oh we get it. We just think its stupid
Smiles, then giggles - thinks but won't verbalise lest I offend, suffice to say, it is precisely that which makes the difference so vast, and downright hilarious.
As to the author of the video, I have since enjoyed correspondence with him via youtube emails. I could not have been more wrong in my statements as to his background/education if I had tried. I'm now filled with even more respect & admiration for the lad than I was previously, and only wish the world was more highly populated with true gentleman of his ilk, as opposed to the plague proportion neanderthal oxygen thieves who walk among us, especially among the world's past leaders!

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