Having close bonds with creatures really deepens your sense of life, I think. They are intense students of people, their food source and companions, and over time learn probably more about us than we do about them. They become brilliantly attuned to us and pick up cues that even our family members and close friends do not. Of course I'm sentimental about my cats (and dogs, horses, donkeys, birds, despite not living with those species, though I grew up with an amazing dog). Just this one story since I'd go on too long. When I first brought home Linwood from the shelter, in a day or two, I needed to take him to the vet. He would not go in the carrier. I turned him and tussled with him, and finally ended up with the carrier in one hand and the cat over my shoulder, to go to the vet. Somewhere it hit me cold -- this big rangy orange cat had wrestled me to a win...and hadn't extended his claws nor nipped. I told my dad that on the phone, and there was a pause. Then he said, "A real gentleman." Yes.