Well, I would have to humbly disagree. There are pipe smokers who want to collect for resale value, and those that just want to feed an addiction, and then there are those of us who like to tinker. I built my first motorcycle, and I still do all of my own car repairs. There is a certain pride one can take in restoring a junk store find. I file the ends off of p-lips that I find, buff my own stems, scrape the cakes, and bring them up to a quality of my own satisfaction. In fact, one would be hard pressed to tell that my pipes weren't all professionally done or all factory specs. It's not rocket science.
However, using glass cleaner to clean your pipes is sort of give away that you may want to brush up on some basic chemistry, ha ha. That would have either ammonia or vinegar in it, and would leave an odor regardless. You want something with an alcohol base. It will make an easier task of removing the tar, and fully evaporate to leave a cleaner smoke. Some recommend a pure grain, some will recommend an isopropyl. I like to use Sailor Jerry's spiced rum, at the snarled noses of those who will say that it will gum them up (damn them all, LOL). I don't drink, so it gives me the excuse to buy the cool bottle. :wink:
Do what pleases ya, and enjoy that pipe. :D