Backyard Fun With My Son

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Jan 25, 2012
Well summertime is back and you know what that means? Backyard fun with edged weapons! :)

The postman dropped off a small package today and it didn't contain PAD or TAD goodies but inside were these three new Shuriken. I like the Fury brand stars and pay a premium for them but I've noticed the .187" thick stainless steel is of good quality and they stay true and rust free after years of use.

The four-pointers pictured in the OP require much more skill and a perfect throw to stick in the backstop so I have been wanting to try a shuriken with more points. The performance of this new trio is outstanding. The balance is great and the points are just far enough apart to allow a good grip for throwing. The steel seems to leave the hand very easily upon the throw making accurate hits more consistent. Throwing stars are just like horseshoes, darts or corn-hole beanbags; It's all in the release.



Jan 8, 2011
Wow. How in the hell do you throw that without slicing open your fingers? I have thrown an axe a few times as a boy scout. That was fun. I can only imagine throwing knives and stars.
So whats next? Your own youtube channel with zombie targets? :rofl:



Jan 25, 2012
Eagle -You basically just pinch one of the points tightly between your thumb and index finger. I throw overhand trying to keep my arm perfectly vertical. The trick is learning just when to let go. With practice the motion is reinforced and very repeatable. The point is sharp but it slips right from your grasp. It's actually more hazardous pulling the things from the backstop than throwing them.



Jan 8, 2011
It's actually more hazardous pulling the things from the backstop than throwing them.
My suggestion would be pliers with some thick rubber between the jaws.
lol. I laugh, because when I played little league baseball, I was an awesome pitcher. My only quirk was, when I was coming forward with the ball my hand would look like it was having a spasm. If I was throwing a fast ball no problems, the ball went where I wanted it to go. If I was throwing a curve or some other fancy pitch, it may be a pitch worthy of the pros or in the dugout. I can just imagine cutting my ear off or killing the neighbors dog.
I hope you are your son many fun evenings. Mine is just a few months over 1 and love playing with him.

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