Back Surgery #09

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Sep 8, 2014
Moody, AL
I've spoken here about my never ending series of major back surgeries. My last surgery was a lumbar fusion of L2-3. Prior to that was a two stage total disc arthroplasty with prodisc implants. The current situation, I've developed awful nerve pain/weakness/numbness in my left leg. A possible solution is having the fusion hardware removed, possibly relieving pressure on the nerves. I've read everything I can find online and statistically it looks good. Thing is, that fusion surgery was off the charts painful, far more painful than it was having my abdomen opened up for the arthroplasty. It was brutal! I'm told having the hardware removed is equally bad. Today I see the surgeon and we schedule an MRI. Then I have a procedure where the knock me out and inject anesthetic, bathing the hardware. If over the course of the following weak my pain decreases I'm a good candidate for the removal.

I was just curious, I know others have had surgeries, but anyone else have their hardware removed?

My X-RAY...



Man... sorry to hear about your back. That's some hardcore stuff. I have a plate on my hand and three screws in my elbow. I've not had any of it removed. The doctor was considering removing the screws from my elbow, but the bone had started growing around the ends of the screws so he elected to leave them.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Feb 2, 2016
That X-ray shows how far US medical technology is behind some of the rest of the world. In Hiedelberg they are routinely replacing discs and removing screws and hardware. Good luck to you and I really hope your pain goes away.



Staff member
Jul 28, 2013
Hey man, sorry to hear about that! My mom had 2 neck surgeries, and two back surgeries. Pins, plates, screws, you name it. Even with the ENTIRE catalog of pain killers, the pain never went away. She said that she hurt more, after the surgeries. (Maybe it was her, maybe it was that the doctor screwed something up, We never knew) But my point is that she never had any of her hardware taken out. Maybe it would have helped.



Feb 21, 2013
Nate, what an ordeal. My wife has been through ten surgeries in six years related to a hip replacement, two revisions, and two different types of staph infections on three or four occasions. Had a friend who went through multiple back surgeries. Hang on to the things that you enjoy. It's a hell of a struggle.



Feb 28, 2013
Had L4-L5 fused with a spire plate...didn't hold and the fusion material that was supposed to fuse the remaining bone...never fused. So I've got metal and fusion crap floating also...can feel it when I move. Was advised by a retired back surgeon/personal friend...leave it alone...too many other issues can come up. Just my thoughts.

No....the pain never goes away....ever.



Sep 8, 2014
Moody, AL
First, I REALLY do appreciate everyone's kind words and sympathy!! Never fails to bring a smile!
Just returned from my doctors appointment. It was quite possibly the best appointment of my life. Thing about this surgery is dealing with the tremendous wound in a place you can't reach. They cut through tissue and muscle. The pain is maddening and relentless. Just out of pure coincidence, this hospital JUST began doing robotic spinal fusions. A robot makes two small incisions and the hardware is backed out. It's a FAR FAR FAR more minor surgery than had a gone to the doctor a few months ago. My luck is NEVER so good as this. I'm so thrilled!! Next week is MRI and surgery the week after. It's, of course, still gonna suck and hurt. I'm under no delusions, but the statistics and tech is on my side :)



May 9, 2015
Estey's Bridge N.B Canada
I feel for you Nate, I've suffered back pain since childhood. I'm always leery of surgery now, ten years of chronic pain in my elbow after surgery and have finally achieved relief in the last three weeks, no more pain and able to sleep again. Take care and I hope you get some relief.



Jun 30, 2015
Hope it works out with the robotic surgery definitely sounds less invasive. My wife has had several surgeries and 4 fused vertebrae in her lower back. The surgeries were not successful and she's scared to let them try again so she spends most of her days in bed on morphine. Maybe this robotic surgery could work for her as well....



Oct 12, 2011
No....the pain never goes away....ever.
Yeah, can sympathize. They told me the fusion would be over a foot long and sent me to the pain clinic. After the nightmares I've seen and heard about I'll just deal with it. GOD BLESS Brother, hope ya get better...



Dec 16, 2014
North Carolina
So I had a plate and screws removed about 18 months after cervical fusion surgery, really turned out to be a fairly minor deal. I was working from home the next day back at work in a week. I don't remember much in the way of post surgical pain. Best of luck on your upcoming surgery



Jul 21, 2015
Do you need someone to take care of your pipes and tobacco hoard while you're recovering? Asking for a friend.



May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
Nate, I know your pain. I had a fusion of L3-4- and L4-5 and have 3 screws and metal on each side. I also have 3 screws on my side where he had to break a bone when he came in from the side. I have severe stenosis and my L2-3 is now toast so he will have to fuse that soon as well. I have bad nerve damage in my right foot also and the numbness and pain sucks.
I am in constant pain but have been off pain meds since last June. They just were not working very well and I was on real high doses. I was taking 20 mg of roxycodone, 60 mg of oxycontin, and a high dose of Soma. I would take it and not feel a thing, that is just nuts. I am going to start taking something soon as I want to travel in Europe and need to be able to walk around.



Jul 11, 2014
North Central Florida
Your back looks like a fastenal commercial. Yikes. Did you injure it or was it a gradual deterioration or genetic?

I'm thinking sky diving or motorcycle accident or something like that.

I raise you my colonoscopy pictures? nah...every time I try to show people those, the demure.

I'm 6'3" and have worked at labor intensive jobs most of my life. My back has been to the chiropractors more than once, but no operations. I've got a brother who's back pain has him basically addicted to pain killers. HE had a few operations on his.

I got one of those inversion tables and it seems to keep me out of trouble.

You are way beyond that potential though, it looks like.

I'm glad the removal will be easier that the installation.



Nov 3, 2013
In the sticks in Mississippi
Geez Nate! I may have some health issues, but nothing like that! I have back pain from time to time, but nothing compared to what you're going through. I hope all goes well with the surgery, and you're back to your usual self soon. (although I'm not sure what your usual self is) :roll:

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